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  1. kami

    Staff cuts stuff!

    So like, yeah, this is pretty shit? If you want to help out, there's going to be a referendum going on May 1st and May 2nd (i.e Tuesday and Wednesday) on the issue where you not only have the ability to have your say but if you're keen it's also a good time to help out. Given that some of the...
  2. kami


    That's generally a problem within the youth/student left wing movement, aside from the hard trots and anarcho-environmentalists, the identity of socialist and anarchist seems to depend on which word that person discovered first or what's trendier with their friend groups. A chunk of it simply...
  3. kami

    anti-semitism and the left?????

    There is. I know a number of people who did their phd on them and the cult-like structures of trot groups (and others). You can find some books at Fisher Library on them too, I think. If you sit in conversation and ask the trots how their day is they'll give answers like: 'I'm so upset because...
  4. kami


    Pretty much anyone who exercises mechanisms for change is an activist so this is an odd question; aside from the aforementioned soldiers and charity workers, you have doctors, pro-bono lawyers, parliamentarians, unionists, owners of most big businesses etc. and even voters. Almost everyone...
  5. kami

    anti-semitism and the left?????

    It's worth pointing out that most of the 'left' doesn't actually identify hard socialists (i.e trots) as being 'left' because of their authoritarianism and this makes a discussion on the left's view of Israel inherently problematic if they're what you're focusing on (and the students for...
  6. kami

    UTS Union

    Pretty much. The union is just a student friendly business, guys, it's there to make money off of you and unlike at other universities it isn't actually an organisation where students have input. The only worthwhile things it honestly offers are the fitness programs which are pretty...
  7. kami

    cold </3

    cold </3
  8. kami

    damn your morals! not even a rob/graney/laz combo deal???

    damn your morals! not even a rob/graney/laz combo deal???
  9. kami

    haha, I noticed when I saw the log in dates. And you cannot constrain me! If SP will not make...

    haha, I noticed when I saw the log in dates. And you cannot constrain me! If SP will not make deals with me for abuse of power then is there any information on people that you would like, Alex? I have considerable abilities in discovering gay information online.
  10. kami

    Victims or complicit?

    I think they're both. While it's certainly not the husband's fault that he lost his job, he didn't respond very well. I also think it's hardly fair to ask about the family's complicity - the alcoholism and lack of interest in job hunting seems to be something restricted to the husband. I...
  11. kami

    What does feminism mean to you?

    Of course it's grounded in social practice and such, that's why there were discriminatory laws (like the vote being for men) in the first place. As it is, we've created a theoretical future equality between the genders by changing the laws but we can't provide equal enforcement and we often...
  12. kami

    What does feminism mean to you?

    LOL Serius, just lol. You come off as epic paranoid with these kinds of things. To make women equal with men does not imply "ignore areas that female [sic] have an advantage" because doing so is misogynistic in of itself. A country where all women were rulers of men and put doggie leads on...
  13. kami

    Gay people should not be allowed to access IVF

    Read this: And this: And this: And this: And this: After you've read these, make an intelligent assertion or at least try.
  14. kami

    Gay people should not be allowed to access IVF

    lawl. Rape happens on a daily basis and sexual servitude and slavery are usually intertwined in ghetto situations involving immigrant women in imposed prostitution. I'm rather puzzled to Jemlet's reference to human sacrifice though.
  15. kami

    What does feminism mean to you?

    I think most people try to create a dissonance in the notions of equal rights and feminism so as to stigmatise the women's rights movements and feminist attitudes in general. The focus, though not always the practice, has always been to make women equal to men and to secure for women rights...
  16. kami

    True Blood

    Eric is awesome and attractive in a very creepy way. I wouldn't expect it to be identical to the books though - Tara is much more prominent and other stuff happens which is different. True Blood is not porn. Seriously. If you think True Blood is porn, even porn with some extra bits thrown...
  17. kami

    True Blood

    True Blood is awesome. I find the two main characters a little cringe worthy 'Soookiee' but the supporting cast is fantastic, particularly Tara, Eric and Pam. I think they really spun straw into gold with this property.
  18. kami

    Gay people should not be allowed to access IVF

    Eh? Aside from the single parents example, demonstrating that a single sex can deal with issues of children from other sexes, that there is no need for a parent of a specific gender, there's also the fact that a large amount of same sex couples with biological children co-parent. There are...
  19. kami

    Gay people should not be allowed to access IVF

    Nope. There's been studies done on this for years and years and years. There's no appreciable difference, especially since many same sex couples do involve two mums and two dads with co-parenting relationships.