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  1. kami

    Gay people should not be allowed to access IVF

    Jemlet may be a numb nut but you're kind of misrepresenting some things. The quote you're responding to with this isn't about the right to be 'butt buddies' but rather child rearing. Marriage is an irrelevant point to raise if you want to talk about this right in the strictest sense. I think...
  2. kami

    Gay people should not be allowed to access IVF

    I'm not missing it at all - I'm saying it's irrelevant. If you aren't charismatic or whatever then you will get bullied, it doesn't matter either way, they will find something to bully you on and if you're the type not to get bullied (in primary at least) then you won't be regardless of parents...
  3. kami

    Gay people should not be allowed to access IVF

    Actually, as a feminist I would insist that we don't favour either gender; a woman's role in their child's life is not defined or constrained by her womb. As someone who is also a proponent of protecting the best interests of a child, I would insist that a parent be favoured for custody on the...
  4. kami

    Gay people should not be allowed to access IVF

    Corrupted? By love? Don't be a fool. In the confines of school, kids are monsters who prey on anything they can. You will be bullied for being fat, skinny, smart, dumb, tall, short, for having bad teeth, for being poor, for being rich, for being pale, for being dark, for having birth marks...
  5. kami

    Gay people should not be allowed to access IVF

    sup alex, my bride Are you making the assertion that same sex couples are universally incapable of wishing to nurture a child beyond the notion of accessorising?
  6. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Does that mean incest is a requisite for relationships? That seems to be an implication also. And inferences do not count, Iron, they are human fallacies.
  7. kami

    Gay people should not be allowed to access IVF

    Sorry! I didn't realise when I said it how it might connect since I don't really see you fitting into the typical conventions surrounding the situation. You do know what I mean though, there's lots of people who fall pregnant 'naturally' without intending to have a child or being remotely...
  8. kami

    Gay people should not be allowed to access IVF

    mein gott ... What kind of idiot tries to play the lifestyle card anymore? Really? How does 'lifestlye' apply at all to sexual orientation? And what does it matter if your life choices prevent you from having access to sperm/eggs from a significant other? The mind boggles. And the 'natural...
  9. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    <3 I will nurture you, my Iron bride, forever and evah. I knoez. A highly closeted friend of mine in Labor told me about the Tassies. You're good people when you're not keeping it in the family. :p
  10. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    You didn't say no to my proposal, Alex! :p
  11. kami

    *jilted* I won't be singing the Nina Simone song to you anytime soon now. Have fun with the...

    *jilted* I won't be singing the Nina Simone song to you anytime soon now. Have fun with the Forerunners! And try to come! Tell all the Forerunners to come!
  12. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Do you want to get married, Iron? :shy: Labor are revising their stance on same sex marriage at the moment as well, with their meeting at the conference centre, so it's all very pertinent!
  13. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Oh and this reminds me, anyone who is interested in equal rights should attend the rally tomorrow. We're going to march from townhall to the conference centre and have a mass illegal marriage. It shall be fun!
  14. kami

    That sounds typical of you, you seem like an exploitative ravager of innocence. Tsk tsk...

    That sounds typical of you, you seem like an exploitative ravager of innocence. Tsk tsk. Post-pone your post-running honours research to after the rally! Be a good gay!
  15. kami

    I am going to see if I can marry everyone. I'm sure that's allowed. I'm sure you look at gay...

    I am going to see if I can marry everyone. I'm sure that's allowed. I'm sure you look at gay male athletes a fair bit.
  16. kami

    It starts at 12 and finishes at 4! And I don't know of these Frontrunners - tell me about them.

    It starts at 12 and finishes at 4! And I don't know of these Frontrunners - tell me about them.
  17. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Well, there's problems there, actually, because some state authorities have slightly different standards in how they accept a sex change so traveling between countries and states is hard if you're trans and married. It just takes someone with a stick in their arse to invalidate your marriage...
  18. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    This thread is fucking insane. Sex changes to get married? wtf
  19. kami

    I must discipline my property on occasion.

    I must discipline my property on occasion.