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  1. Zak Ambrose

    Uni Expo at SCU

    yeh i noticed that, seems us country/surfy kids aren't very keen on independant learning, who am i kidding, we're not that keen on learning. i think a bad thing happened there too, i saw sydney uni, 92ish for economics there. theni went to see newcastle uni, 65 to do economics there, have i...
  2. Zak Ambrose

    2008 Maths Competition

    Re: Maths Competition my school did it yesterday while i was on a uni excursion, i had to do it in my 50minute maths lesson. HARDEST TEST EVER, i guessed the last 10. although im sure most of you all would still be looking at a distinction. slightly off topic - are these competitions [maths...
  3. Zak Ambrose

    Uni Expo at SCU

    at Coffs Harbour today? anyone else go? what did you think of it? personally i thought Uni of wollongong looked like a glorified High School.
  4. Zak Ambrose

    What should i drop nxt year??

    have a sit down and really think about what YOU think and want to do. weigh up the pros and cons on dropping/keeping a subject. if you find it better to drop to 11 units then have a think about what subject you LEAST like doing. personally i'd much prefer to drop my LEAST favourite subject...
  5. Zak Ambrose


    check the resource section of BOS, might be something in there? what textbook do you use? Year 11 Economics 2007, by Tim Riley??
  6. Zak Ambrose


    is this an extended reponse? essay? short answer? in class essay? i assume it's an extended response...
  7. Zak Ambrose

    Economics Essay

    is it true i must give a definition of 'distribution of income' first. then go onto to discuss the pro's and cons of it?
  8. Zak Ambrose

    Economics Essay

    alright, how are we all? i got an economics in class essay this friday, practice for Prelim exam:mad1:.. we're allowed to go in with a rough plan. here's the question... Describe Australia's distribution of income. discuss the arguments for and against creating a more equal distribution of...
  9. Zak Ambrose

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Re: What UAI are you aiming for? SAE is a private institution [think a rich person's tafe] that offers a certifigate/diploma/degree/honours/masters in audio engineering, film making, games programming, animation ect.
  10. Zak Ambrose

    Preliminary subject help possble disaster!

    i'd change general maths to mathematics [higher level of maths is always better when push comes to shove] ancient history to modern history [ancient history won't help much in law except if it touches on the evolution of law in ancient societies/cultures. a high level of english is good for...
  11. Zak Ambrose

    guitar performance pieces

    Eddie Van Halen - Eruption Davey Graham - Take Five (finger picked English folk version) Eddie Van Halen - Cathedral (if you have the effects for it you will pwn) Jimmy Page - Black Mountain Side/White summer
  12. Zak Ambrose

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Re: What UAI are you aiming for? 1. economics USyd 2. economics UNewcastle 3. economics/engineering USyd 4. SAE at Byron [i consider myself genius level when it comes to knowledge of effects, ect ect] 5. Trainee accountant locally. 6. work the Japanese ski season in niseko.
  13. Zak Ambrose

    should i drop?

    i cant think of how PD would help in business at uni. then again BIO wouldn't help in business at uni also. so from that i'd gather that whatever one of the two you choose will simply be a subject to get as big a UAI from as possible. and id say BIO would be the one which delivers more so...
  14. Zak Ambrose

    should i drop?

    PD gets hammered in the scaling (according to my dad who's a teacher, but he is a history teacher therefore biased). it really all depends on what you want post HSC, i know personally i'm gonna keep 12 units through yr12 incase i bomb out on a course.
  15. Zak Ambrose

    Infinite Geometric Series Help!

    oh ok. my brain just clicked. the sum of the terms 5 to 8 = r^4 x S4 I'VE GOT IT!!! thank you very much for your patience and help. if you need any help with music or economics gimme a buzz [the only 2 subjects i consider myself worthy of giving internet advice on]
  16. Zak Ambrose

    Infinite Geometric Series Help!

    dam, im still not getting it. i've got to... (r^4)(S4)=16(S4) r^4 = 16 r = +-2 but what im having trouble with is how i/you got (r^4)(S4)=16(S4) more precisely - the (r^4)(S4) part. perhaps if you wrote it out as you would in an exam?
  17. Zak Ambrose

    Infinite Geometric Series Help!

    S8 - S4 = 17S4 - S4 = 16S4 = 16[a(1-r^4)/(1-r)] am i on the right track?
  18. Zak Ambrose

    Infinite Geometric Series Help!

    how did you arrive at "terms 5-8 are 16 times larger than terms 1-4, and also r^4 times larger"
  19. Zak Ambrose

    Infinite Geometric Series Help!

    ah ok. thanks for the help. much appreciated. last question then im on to breeze through probability. the sum of the first 8 terms is 17 times the sum of its first 4 terms. find r. S8 = 17(S4)=17 [a(1-r^4)/(1-r)]
  20. Zak Ambrose


    i like the child's playground idea. make george bush that "nelson munts" character, but more popular and seemingly good from his peers perspective. make sadam hussain and co. the kids who play in the sand pit. then they find, i dunno, old footy cards in the sandbox or sumin, so george...