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  1. grk_styl

    Body Hair on Guys

    i agree with you 100%, even tho i'm a chick. like i said before, it's not the guy's fault if he has hair, and i understand why he wont wax it. waxing fucken hurts!!! chicks are being heaps superficial these days. i'll admit that i like my men with hair...coz i do date men, not...
  2. grk_styl

    Body hair on girls

    pardon my ignorance but wats epilation?
  3. grk_styl

    Body hair on girls

    i cna understand why guys love it and why chicks wanna do it...i'd love to remove every single hair on my body for good (except for eyebrows and head hair), but waxing is fucken painful and shaving makes hair grow back thicker, so that's pointless. brazillians sound hot...and painful all at...
  4. grk_styl

    Semester 1 results (2005) i just gotta find where the fuck course outlines are. very exciting. and no...arts and education faculties are stupid. they believe in giving us our readers the day before uni starts.
  5. grk_styl

    Semester 1 results (2005)

    how do u start studying before text books and course readers come out?
  6. grk_styl

    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    I've heard really crap things about ENGL1005, but I chose it anyway, coz I don't get to do many arts subjects in 2nd/3rd/4th n 5th year. The dodgy 2 hour Seminars are going to be a killer!!! How can you sit and talk about grammar for 2 whole hours. eeek! you have a greta tt jellybeenz
  7. grk_styl

    Historical Period Notes - Persia

    CYRUS THE GREAT. Ruled from 560 – 530 bc. Background.  Parentage not officially known. o Herodotus says: father was a “persian of middle rank”. o Xenathon – cyrus sprang from the old royal dynasty of the achaemenids. o Mother mandane? Conquest.  Media 550. o Cyrus led persians...
  8. grk_styl

    Historical Period Notes - Persia

    Darius. 522 – 486 BC. Claim To Throne:  Smerdis (a magus) claimed to be Cambyses brother and become king. o Smerdis was well supported by the Persian subjects as he implemented many new reforms, in the areas of religion and economics – including some tax relief.  These changes made by...
  9. grk_styl

    Personality Notes - Persia: Xerxes

    Xerxes. 486 465 BC. Come To Throne.  Xerxes claims it was by the will of Ahura Mazda on a foundation block of lime stone at Persepolis.  Herodotus claims Xerxes convinced Darius to make him heir to the throne with the help of Demaratus.  Decision was made before 486BC as a doorjamb on...
  10. grk_styl

    Anyone do Athenian society in the time of Pericles?

    moved to relevant forum :)
  11. grk_styl


    Clean & Clear products hardly EVER work. They're just gimmicks in Dolly Mags for the young pre-pubescent kiddies. (no offence) Sorbolene creams aren't good either, coz they're REALLY, excessively oily. I use Clinique Moisturiser. It's bloody fantastic! It's also really expensive, but soo...
  12. grk_styl

    Semester 1 results (2005)

    it's funny seeing you guys fretting over wanting to get ur results so badly. i have all mine and i wish i didn't. i'd rather not know! gl anyway.
  13. grk_styl

    Body Hair on Guys

    not all gay guys wax/shave. not all straight guys wax/shave for that matter. Heaps of straight guys do it for athletic purposes, and also coz they don't like the hair, doesn't mean they're gay. darl, you're not gay unless you lust after boys, so don't sweat it :) see, i like this logic :uhhuh:
  14. grk_styl

    Body hair on girls

    just to reiterate my question: wtf is forearm hair?
  15. grk_styl

    Body hair on girls

    wth is forearm hair??
  16. grk_styl

    Is it gay if i?

    a thin scarf would look good! who says u have to dress like every other chick? if u try it on and it looks hot, then go for it!
  17. grk_styl

    Body Hair on Guys

    it's up to him. if he doesn't wanna get rid of it, then I can't force him. Also coz I know how much it hurts. i agree that too much = scary, but it's not like he does it intentionally. humans can't help having hair on their bodies.
  18. grk_styl

    Body hair on girls

    pain, anyone??!! :(
  19. grk_styl

    Semester 1 results (2005)

    i dont actually know wat i got for my essay, i should check that out hey? lol i had nina. my group got like 17/25, and another group got 23/25 and i couldnt see how they did any better. it was friggin biased! and all the other tutors marked SOOOOOO easy. the system is a joke. sorry im...
  20. grk_styl

    Semester 1 results (2005)

    so was mine...stupid bitch. Mine was so friggin biased in those seminar assessments. cow. :(