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  1. Aplus

    10 or 12 Units for Year 12 (Poll)

    I think it's better to do a subject because you really enjoy it, rather than looking for some sort of security. What I'm about to say isn't really directed to you, because I know you're an oustanding student, but I just want to say to everyone: If you choose more than 10 units in order to give...
  2. Aplus

    Hey - Study Patterns

    Re: Hey He means 2:30 am.
  3. Aplus

    Physical Journeys

    The Motorcycle Diaries is a good one.
  4. Aplus

    10 or 12 Units for Year 12 (Poll)

    If you're going to do bad in a subject anyway, then the concept of having 12 units for back up purposes is kind of useless.
  5. Aplus


  6. Aplus


    You can find some tutors here:
  7. Aplus

    Identity Definition - Advanced English

    Was this a task for school or something? Did they call it a definition?
  8. Aplus

    maths help

    Re: 4 unit maths???????/ I seriously see no loss with doing Extension 2 Mathematics. Even if you drop it, what have you lost? You'd be doing Extension 1 Mathematics, and you'll have the skills acquired in Extension 2 to motivate you.
  9. Aplus

    10 or 12 Units for Year 12 (Poll)

    You can enforce that rule by putting all the students who have free periods into a class room and have a staff member inspecting what they do.
  10. Aplus


    Gulliver's Travels is so epic.
  11. Aplus

    Identity Definition - Advanced English

    It's still a definition, only expanded.
  12. Aplus

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Re: What UAI are you aiming for? They wouldn't change something which is already working fine, but then again *coughnewsyllabuscough*
  13. Aplus


    Those people are just narrow minded (no offense since they're your family and friends).
  14. Aplus

    Yr 11 performance

    lol, what a crap report that would look like.
  15. Aplus

    Physical Journeys

    Physical journeys should be pretty easy to find. The majority of texts deal with physical journeys.
  16. Aplus

    do you wear glasses + how much do you study for?

    That equates to about 3 minutes a day, take or give a few seconds.
  17. Aplus

    What UAI would you be content/happy with?

    Yeah, 85 UAI = I can not wait for the verbal abuse from family
  18. Aplus

    is it really necessary to do practise essays?

    Go ahead. It's your loss and our gain.
  19. Aplus


    It's called forum signature.