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  1. ajdlinux

    Cheating punishments?

    And if the BOS does rule against you, you might want to consider talking to your lawyer...
  2. ajdlinux

    Cheating punishments?

    It may also be useful to have both the statements of yourself and the supervisors involved in the form of a statutory declaration, if you haven't done so already.
  3. ajdlinux

    aligned marks

    My understanding, and I believe the understanding of Lazarus et al. who have done heaps of research on this, is that alignment is linear between each band's cutoffs, so overall it may look like a ln x graph, or it may not, depending on where the cutoffs are set.
  4. ajdlinux

    What do you think you'll get..

    40-60/120, maybe? :( I'm hoping for some epic alignment.
  5. ajdlinux

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Ext 2

    I'll be lucky to get 40% raw. I couldn't even get Q1c) and e) out.
  6. ajdlinux

    New paper layout becareful!!!

    For exams like IPT it wouldn't be too bad, no extended responses. But if you need more paper, you just ask for it.
  7. ajdlinux

    So I figured. Go us. :D

    So I figured. Go us. :D
  8. ajdlinux

    To everyone who doesn't do Extension Maths, I always get everything right and I know what I'm...

    To everyone who doesn't do Extension Maths, I always get everything right and I know what I'm doing. On the other hand everyone who DOES do Extension Maths knows that in actual fact I have very little idea what I'm doing. :p
  9. ajdlinux

    I suspect a fellow NCSSer.

    I suspect a fellow NCSSer.
  10. ajdlinux

    10 Units or 12?

    I'd say it depends on each person as to whether they feel they can cope with the workload of 12 units or would rather have the time to do 10 units well. I'm doing 10 units this year, I'm sure I could do 12 units if I wanted to, but I like my free periods a lot. :p
  11. ajdlinux

    On the day of HSC results, what is given to us?

    Yes, your ranks are used to adjust your school assessment marks in the moderation process. It's a rather confusing process, but suffice to say it's worked well enough so far.
  12. ajdlinux

    Did you learn anything?

    I've learned a lot about the production of maple syrup, other than that, only a bit more experience in writing stuff, nothing specific really.
  13. ajdlinux

    What is an E4 ... its 90+ isnt it?

    You'd be hoping that the mark alignment process would get you into the E2 range. In some Extension exams, getting as low as 20% has been enough to align up to E2.
  14. ajdlinux

    Did anyone fail

    Well yeah, I was sort of making the assumption that the people with really long responses did reasonably well at them. I'm hoping that the BOS markers agree with my teachers who always tells me I write really well, just a bit overly-succinctly.
  15. ajdlinux

    New paper layout becareful!!!

    I'm fairly sure they are trialling computer-based marking; I could find a reference for it but I can't be bothered to. It's mostly for the markers sake I think so they can do it at home rather than out at Homebush or whichever centre they'd otherwise be assigned to.
  16. ajdlinux

    What is an E4 ... its 90+ isnt it?

    MX2 is a 2-unit extension course, and it's reported out of 100.
  17. ajdlinux

    What is an E4 ... its 90+ isnt it?

    A band E3 is actually 70-89, not 80-89. The median and mean marks in Extension 2 last year were both around 82-83, I think (according to the UAC scaling report). So 50% of students got well into the 80s and 90s.
  18. ajdlinux

    Did anyone fail

    It's rather depressing coming onto these forums and seeing that everyone else wrote a minimum of 6 pages for each section, when you didn't manage to write that for any of the questions. :( Well, at least I'm ranked 1st in my English class and I'm hoping that there's a few people who pwned the exam.
  19. ajdlinux

    New paper layout becareful!!!

    +1. I haven't seen the actual booklets as yet, but unless they say in massive bold letters 'DO NOT WRITE OUTSIDE THIS SPACE', they'll take account of that.
  20. ajdlinux

    On the day of HSC results, what is given to us?

    At present, you can make use of the Freedom of Information Act, which is what I've done - there's more than enough written about that in the UAI/HSC Marks (Technical Arcana) forum somewhere.