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  1. wendus

    Short story

  2. wendus

    what year 12 subject

    helll yes, modern is the best.
  3. wendus

    how many maths exercise books hav u used so far?

    i've used a fucking million.
  4. wendus

    Post Your Pics!

    LdC is HOT.
  5. wendus

    truth or lie

    anyone studying representation and text in module c would tell you that there are as many truths as there are tellers.
  6. wendus

    are guys into way skinny chicks?

    me too. obese is just gross.
  7. wendus

    New Ipods: which one should i get?

    omg yeah my 2GB one fits NOTHING it is so annoying.
  8. wendus

    UAC application

    they sent you your uac pin in the mail in early August.
  9. wendus

    New Ipods: which one should i get?

    wow they look awesome but srsly they're gonna die on you in a year. i have an ANCIENT ipod nano, pre coloured days, so it's just white. not that that was relevant... hahaha
  10. wendus

    My UAI estimate turn :)

    honey you go to caringbah. DW alright? you'll be in the 90s.
  11. wendus

    Is there any hope for us kids?

    lol WTF
  12. wendus

    English Technique?

    i don't think so. listing is defs a technique.
  13. wendus

    Is there any hope for us kids?

    you said it jellybelly.
  14. wendus

    Am i doomed

    god guys, 'hyperthetical' is spelt 'hypothetical' and 'sought of' is spelt 'sort of' anyway, yeah i reckon ask your teachers. it's not so daunting is it? (:
  15. wendus

    Is there any hope for us kids?

    you're gonna get your ass whipped by the top selective schools. there IS no hope.
  16. wendus

    How do you tell her?

    good luck with it...
  17. wendus


    what sort of school organises the formal FOR you?!?!
  18. wendus

    kings of leon - only by the night

    kings of leon is awesome.
  19. wendus

    Does anyone want to mark my essay and give feedback?

    are ya gonna post it up? (: