Search results

  1. K

    What is a bildungsroman?

    Amazing what google gives you:
  2. K

    Power of One vs The green mile

    Theyre both movies, and shouldnt be used as related text. Why not use one as a novel and one as film?
  3. K

    notes on imagined corners

    Have you tried doing them yourself?
  4. K

    Damn You All!

    I can see you all have maturely reacted to this situation. Egronk: 1. Maybe you shouldnt be doing advanced if you're relying on notes 2. Have you even made the effort to TRY and study the text? The boardofstudies doesnt purposely prescribe texts that are impossible to deconstruct and...
  5. K

    Notions of the anti-hero

    Hmm wrong thread mclake. Though looking at your HSC status, (2006) i gather that you're in year 11. Your school makes the decision to study different modules and these modules are usually made up and decided by the school. You might want to clarify your question :)
  6. K

    Scaling FAQ

    FanKyOooH WaFffY BaYbEh ;) YooH HeLpd mE AloT kKEKKeEKEKEKekeKeKE~
  7. K

    Fahrenheit 9/11?

    Dont forget to look at how camera angles are used, colours, SFX, purpose, chronological ordering.
  8. K

    Telling The Truth - Frontline

    Relatd material: Techniques list: Coming soon
  9. K

    imaginative journey

    If you cant make your own notes to a certain text, then obviuosly it isnt the right choice. It isnt good for you to rely on notes already made, as this is a good skill you need to do mentally in the hsc as you are reading the stimulus text. In terms of imgaine by john lennon, do a forum search...
  10. K

    Thesis Statements on Imaginative Journeys

    What is a thesis statement? Statements + Imaginative journeys take us into worlds of inspiration, speculation and imagination +Imaginative journeys broaden the mind to allow the understanding of the world
  11. K

    Supp Texts - Imaginative

    10 characters
  12. K

    Thesis Statements on Inner Journeys

    What is a thesis statment? Theres a few you can derive from this one: +Inner journeys act as a catalyst for personal changes +Inner journeys are a motivation for change
  13. K

    Road Trippin

    RHCP ? ->
  14. K

    Physical Journeys Assignment...Help..

    Search this forum and have alook around in different threads. I rember organising/seeing lots of things regarding Skrzynecki and good related material for each poem. There are also some notes to help you understand the poems to make links to other texts, provided you have searched for them :p...
  15. K

    martin Luther King " i have a dream"

    I'd be safe not to do it. The advice line is only ONE opinion. You never know who your marker will be as they will have ANOTHER opinion. I think its best not to.
  16. K

    English Aos Speech HELP

    A text is a text, regardless of the text type you're going to write in. It would be nice to know what other texts you have decided to used so far, and it is reccomended highly, that you pick your last text of a different text type than the others...
  17. K

    Is This THe Full Poem?

    its fine to use this one, because its not prescribed :) It doesnt matter whether or not you use the full poem. I used one chapter of a book, and i know some people used one section of a play. Just use what you need to because you wont have enough time to write about the whole thing anyway :)
  18. K

    Supp Texts - Imaginative

    They are actually pretty good texts. I'm glad you thought of them :)
  19. K

    Stimulus Booklet Redirected and moved into the right forum :)
  20. K

    Yr 11 - "Changes" Assignment! Link to "Change" related material :)