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  1. K

    the WHAT and HOW of section iii

    The WHAT of a text, i'd assume is your focus journey. You explain the WHAT through the HOW and the VALUE of the text. When asked HOW the text creates meaning you are only looking at one thing: the use of techniques. List all the techniques that you can identify in the text. However...
  2. K

    Do Med students do practicals on corpses?

    sorry son, i'd rather much practice on people i hate :) good way to desensitize the students isnt it? lol I heard that on the first day of med school (in terms of pracs) some uni asks their students to dissect a pigs foetus to desensitize them to the blood/guts
  3. K

    Exchange programs @ UNSW USYD?

    I heard someone talk of a "working visa" where you go over to another country and work under this program. Everything is looked after/organised for you when you pick a certain area to work inside that country. You get paid in their currency as well.
  4. K

    Excel vs MAquarie?????????????????

    why dont you wait for next year's year 12s to fall through. At least that way you can sell all the other subject textbooks you have :)
  5. K

    Do Med students do practicals on corpses?

    LOL one of the vets i went to had to do surgery on a dog who's been spewing up his faecel waste. They didnt know what was wrong so they decided to go in, have a look and do what they could. They went to the large intestine of the dog and saw that it was really inflammed and saw a "ball" in the...
  6. K

    Do Med students do practicals on corpses?

    If you donate your body to the uni, they pay for all your funeral fees
  7. K

    Do Med students do practicals on corpses?

    do you want them to practice on you ? :p
  8. K

    related text for the tempest

    Another one is that he realised that his magic could not really bring him happiness i.e the notion of appearance vs reality. Funnybunny's idea of compassion/forgivenss/trust and unity is a good one too :)
  9. K

    Excel vs MAquarie?????????????????

    didnt you drop it ages ago?
  10. K

    Need HElp URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

    I didnt do this module but if you can give a direct/specific dot point it would be much easier for people to help you. I'll provide you some "Biotechnology"/biology links thats may help +Uniserv:
  11. K


    monkia said it looked green i said it looked like the intestinal juices that the vet was pumping out of the dog i saw today. his intestines were blocked and the wastage had built up.
  12. K

    Translation of The Tempest

    Maybe you should try reading the text with an accompanying study guide. I think thats your best bet. Thats how i (and many others i know of) learnt: we'd read one act of the tempest, then read the corresponding chapter in the study guide
  13. K

    Winnie the Pooh as an Imag Journey

    Anthropomorphism is a major part in the winnie the pooh series. As people have said above regarding "sophisticated texts", a more sophisticated version of winnie the pooh would be the old ones like "house at pooh corner". Some of the poems A.A. Milne write in there are very good. Heres link to...
  14. K

    Physical Journey Representation

    Some acting would be nice in something like this. Say a monologue/play. Do you need mention any texts in this assesment?
  15. K

    related text for the tempest

    Big fish seems a good text (i've only watched half of it though). I used Harry Potter and the Philospoher's stone. I think you should stick to a text that you know best: for me i'm a potter fan and i know it well. If you're familiar with Big fish, then use it. Regarding your only one character...
  16. K


    and the reason is ... ?
  17. K

    Scholarships for Uni

    Bond university is Australia's only fee university. They take in only kids that will pay. I enquired about a med degree and it will cost me $50k a year for fees alone, so a $100k scholarhsip is very good.
  18. K


    What happened with me when i accelerated in 3 unit maths, they gave us extra "offline" classes so that we were learning parallel to the mainstream year 12s. Our maths was still timetabled for year 11 mainstream, as the year 12's allocation was at a different time.
  19. K

    Change of Prefs closing date

    I believe those who dont know the closing date dont deserve to go to uni :p
  20. K

    University Info Days

    i agree sarah: we already know the info and details about them (provided you're a keen student and has made the effort to look the courses up). I only went to confirm places/transfers. I found it rather annoying sitting the lecture room with a bunch of clueless idiots who havent read the...