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  1. Survivor39

    i loves ignorances

    What a waste of a thread. Idiot!!! :mad1:
  2. Survivor39

    School Rank

    where's the rest?? Not every school in NSW are in the top 120, you know :)
  3. Survivor39

    School Rank

    Thanks Newbie, It's nice there's no argument with you this time. :)
  4. Survivor39

    What UAI do you think?

    My friend wants to know his UAI. Mathematics Extension 2 94 3/15 Mathematics Extension 1 97 2/30 English ESL 87 4/40 Chemistry 85 4/35 Biology 87 3/30 He's in...
  5. Survivor39

    School Rank

    I was wondering where you could find the rank of the schools in the state - SMH. Is it is the SMH website?? I didn't get a copy of the paper.......:(
  6. Survivor39

    Science Competition

    Win money? How much do they actually pay you? $50?? How many of us in the competitions are able to get to the top 0.0 something % anyway to get that cash??
  7. Survivor39

    Is your grade really competitive?

    My school is pretty competitive, the top 3 always put each other down. They are soo arrogant!!! I cannot believe I am a part of it for most subjects. I didn't want to compete and win, and then the 'loser' going up to me and say "i'm gonna kick your arse next time!!" PISS ME OFF, what a...
  8. Survivor39

    Is She Going to Get 80's??

    Unfortunately, she goes to a non-selctive school, and may I say, in Japanese beginners, Vietnamese Continuiers, and ESL, there are a lot of low academic ability candidates in her courses in the school.
  9. Survivor39

    Science Competition

    Well, I'm in Year 12, so it's for ALL years. To Twintip: wow, so confident!!!
  10. Survivor39

    Do you Know Why??

    Cell membranes are made up of 70% Protein and 30% lipids So why couldn't you Punch holes in the protein coat of the viruses too?? (I do know something about Biology :) )
  11. Survivor39

    Is She Going to Get 80's??

    My friend wants to know what her UAI will be English ESL 5/44 82% Vitenamese Continiuer 10/40 83% Chemistry 21/35 41% Janpanese Beginner 1/6 75% Mathematics 12/66 62% I...
  12. Survivor39

    Science Competition

    Our school got the results for the 2003 Science competition back not long ago. I wonder what you guys out there got? Credit? Distinction? Higher Distinction?? In what year group? I got a Credit.........Very happy, since i didn't expected to get anything!:) :)
  13. Survivor39

    Do you Know Why??

    Thanks guys, But if antibiotics can "do" something to the bacteria such as punching holes in the cell membrane and destroy it, Isn't it logical to say that antibiotic could ALSO punch holes through the protein coat of the viruses?
  14. Survivor39

    Do you Know Why??

    Does anyone know why antibiotics doesn't destroy viruses, but only bacterias?:confused:
  15. Survivor39

    Schools seek university entrance data

    What's the harm of providing the UAI results to school anyway? The UAC don't have to provide the info to the media so there won't be a league table published ect.
  16. Survivor39

    Belief System Notes

    A new book?? no we haven't got that, but would you kindly type it up and post it in here if it's not too much to ask. Thanks a million:)
  17. Survivor39

    Study Notes

    Well my PIP is going fine....slow but fine up to the Central material. What country are you doing in your depth study in Continuity and Chnge? You might able to help if you do Vietnam, because I am.;)
  18. Survivor39

    Study Notes

    Well, right now we are finishing off The Belief System and starting Popular Culture. Thanks for your help.
  19. Survivor39

    Maintaining a Balance

    ok fine! BLUEPRINT OF LIFE then! :o :p Help!
  20. Survivor39


    hehehe. But on the other hand, Someone would rather rank equal LAST then last!!! hehehehe But if 70 was the second highest mark, then there will be a disaster for me......But that would rarely happen!