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  1. PrettyVacant

    new partner- do you have them tested for STD's before sex?

    That would be srsly odd if he was a virgin and you still asked him to do it. Plus you don't want him to think you don't trust him. Don't get intimate til you do. ;)
  2. PrettyVacant

    MedSc Student Times

    Woah I thought you wouldn't have so many hours...
  3. PrettyVacant

    Is it worth doing Adv. english if it only ups your uai by 0.4?

    Lol you realise it's a lot harder to get say, 90 in std english than 90 in advanced english? DIDN'T THINK OF IT THAT WAY DID YOU?! DID YOU?!?!?! Srsly only a handful of people in the state who do Std English get a band 6 VS thousands of Adv English kids.
  4. PrettyVacant

    Why selective school kids need tutors?

    "Many students" is not reality it is a very small percentage. My point was that you were incorrect, sir. You have merely agreed with me (with my point about the intelligent students at "lower" schools) and stated an obvious (yet incorrect) comment about people burning out...
  5. PrettyVacant

    Why selective school kids need tutors?

    No, some of our HSC trials do not match that closely with the real HSC. Sometimes they can be harder, sometimes they omit certain dotpoints of the syllabus...etc. There are many schools not in the top 5 that have trial exams that are more like the real HSC. And no, it's not pretty relible in...
  6. PrettyVacant


    What is it? =( And how do I join?
  7. PrettyVacant

    Stuttering & University

    Have you ever tried to get rid of it via speech pathology or something?? Otherwise it shouldn't affect anything. :D
  8. PrettyVacant

    Relativity questions

    I left out units and all the calculations because I think it'd ruin the fun for you. ** Q:If our galaxy, the milky way is 65000 light years in radius, calculate how fast a spacecraft would need to travel so that its occupants could travel right across it in 45 years. --------------...
  9. PrettyVacant

    Blackmailed by Teacher Problem

    Dude just go to tutoring or some shit. And motivate yourself. Blackmail my ass. I expected real drama from a thread like this and all I get is this pathetic whiny bullshit? If you can top the grade, you can do it again. Motivate YOURSELF damnit, YOURSELF. You're not a freaking baby anymore so...
  10. PrettyVacant

    UMAT in Year 11?

    Go ahead and do it, if you're a MORON.
  11. PrettyVacant

    Umat Results!

    Section 3 can be improved most rapidly as it is easy to familiarise yourself with the types of questions you are asked (eg, pick the middle, odd one out, number patterns, next in sequence)and learn to quickly identify patterns that exist within each question type.
  12. PrettyVacant

    Help with choices please

    I'd go Monash. Bonded ain't too bad. It's not just SIX YEARS of being interstate. It's hard to go back to NSW (If that's your home state) to do your internship (so I've heard) so you'll prolly be stuck there for internship. Read here for more info: Interstate MBBS and internship in different...
  13. PrettyVacant

    Nerds or geeks ?

    I'm a nerd. :(
  14. PrettyVacant

    everyones studying? ahh

    OKAY YOU ANAL LITTLE PRELIM KIDS: - 1. Yr 11 doesn't count towards the HSC. 2. If you're worried about rankings and "cut-offs" for certain courses, I cannot really relate as my school did not employ such procedures. My advice is that if you are struggling in yr 11 extension 1 maths to...
  15. PrettyVacant

    ICALLFORTH: Anyone doing >12 units in HSC year

    Like 99+? I find with the extra units, I felt like I didn't try as hard as I should have 'cause I thought "hey some of this shit's not going to count..." Maybe if I did 10 units I'd be more stressed and anal about it. :P
  16. PrettyVacant

    everyones studying? ahh

    LOL okay okay, I didn't study in the YR 12 HOLIDAYS. It's safe to assume I did study during the yr (though not so much in yr 11), as I did get 98+. OF COURSE I could have done better, but you will find 99.99% of people will agree they could have studied more or revised more or made more notes...
  17. PrettyVacant

    First Year Med Tutoring

    Btw hi steven!
  18. PrettyVacant

    First Year Med Tutoring

    OMG MAYBE AFTER FOUNDATIONS (I heard it was cinch and didn't count, but correct me if I'm wrong).