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  1. fornstar

    BOS MACQ ppl... post ur PHOTO!!

    so who do i make the cheque out 2??? lol thanks dude
  2. fornstar

    BOS MACQ ppl... post ur PHOTO!!

    as promised
  3. fornstar

    hey just wondering ...

    thanks 4 that
  4. fornstar

    hey just wondering ...

    hey 2morrow im going uni, 4 what i assume is just like a tour of the uni & meeting other ppl doing my course so will 2morrow have all the clubs there or not, because i thought that happened in O-week??? another thing about O-week, i only go uni tuesday thru 2 thursday, should i bother...
  5. fornstar

    UNI's Starting And I Don't Want To Go

    uni cant wait this is the whole reason i went thru the bloody hsc plus im bored
  6. fornstar

    Natalie Portman

    i once agreed with that but once u c her in closer .... nope shes officially perfect
  7. fornstar

    Natalie Portman

    natalie portman, 2 me, is the ideal gurl i dont like it wen ppl describe her as though they actually noe her so ill say her character in garden state, even with the lies, would b my ideal gf
  8. fornstar

    Footballers do it again

    im sick of this shit so if a bunch of accountants got pissed one nite and ran through CSU, would ppl b calling 4 the heads of all accountants??? and wats this trust shit we put in footyplayers??? once they finish their game i stop caring about wat they do
  9. fornstar

    UTS or MACQ

    my money is with macquarie
  10. fornstar

    MOVIE: Closer

    LOL i 2nd that
  11. fornstar

    MOVIE: Closer

    i saw it and thought it was really good how mad is natalie portman??? wat a contrast 2 her character in garden state
  12. fornstar

    Planning on Doing Accounting at Uni

    y u tryn 2 sux up 4??? LOL
  13. fornstar

    timetables 2005

    i go tuesday (11-8), wednesday (11-6) & thursday (11-4) not bad get a 4 day weekend all semester
  14. fornstar

    Nintendo DS or PSP??

    hahahahaha aint goin 2 happen, not 4 some time at least
  15. fornstar

    Is Cash in HAnd Legal?

    i dont think its legal it means ppl dont pay tax & i dont think the govt likes that idea well thats from my basic understanding on the issue
  16. fornstar

    Comments on my writing

    u better believe it mate but its not just any uni, its MACQUARIE and a uai of 88, just missed out on the 90 ... if only i could spell like u
  17. fornstar

    Comments on my writing

    i cant believe u wasted time writing that most ppl noe simple plan r shit, but unlike u we can deal with it and move on i think its sad u took the time 2 write shit no1 else would of bothered 2 read if u didnt include the link i read up 2 the part of the cricket bat hitting ur head, i...
  18. fornstar

    The Simpsons creators = Right wing, conservative, republican F*CKS!

    i think u described most politicans and its the simpsons, just enjoy it 4 wat it is .... a show that takes the piss out of ppl
  19. fornstar

    Pracs and Tutes look at post number 8
  20. fornstar

    Pracs and Tutes

    yea thats wat i meant, cause sum r at nite, and wats the point of hangn round 4 nothing but i read just then in another thread that tute's and pracs rnt on 1st week