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  1. Fortify

    does ur school rank really affect ur mark?

    And don't forget they come to your school and explain it.
  2. Fortify

    conflicting perspectives - julius casear?

    That'll be a great start.
  3. Fortify

    CHEM question on Alpha and Beta Glucose.

    Thanks for the help! I understand a bit more now.
  4. Fortify

    CHEM question on Alpha and Beta Glucose.

    How exactly does alpha glucose differ from beta glucose? Is it the way it bonds similar with diamond and graphite?
  5. Fortify

    Free school travel axed

    I wonder what will happen to James Ruse?
  6. Fortify

    Time for the Sciences

    So true. My preliminary yearlies were quite a challenge.
  7. Fortify

    Time for the Sciences

    Couldn't of said it better.
  8. Fortify

    Soundwave 09

    Really nice line up! NIN, Lamb of God, In Flames!
  9. Fortify

    4 U maths and 4 U english??

    Can you imagine someone doing 4U Maths, 4U English and 3U History. God that's crazy.
  10. Fortify

    The McDonald's Thread

    Re: Region Moar burgerz pl0x.
  11. Fortify

    should i drop 3unit maths?

    Keep it, I'm doing worse.
  12. Fortify

    Can teachers "force" drop you in a subject?

    So, if it's extension, you're basically screw'd?
  13. Fortify

    Can teachers "force" drop you in a subject?

    A few people at my school have already been kicked down for poor marks without an interview or notification. What are your thoughts on that? I personally think this is unfair.
  14. Fortify

    Can teachers "force" drop you in a subject?

    That sucks if your doing 11units.
  15. Fortify

    Can teachers "force" drop you in a subject?

    So I was wondering if the teachers can just kick you out of the subject for low marks? Would this apply for extension courses?
  16. Fortify

    Do you like maths?

    Maths makes me cry D':
  17. Fortify

    Anyone have good Food Tech notes

    You could make you own dot point notes by going through the syllabus and textbook.
  18. Fortify

    Are teachers meant to make MX1 so hard?

    So true, my maths teacher hasn't taught me anything.