Search results

  1. Fortify

    Question: Locus & Parabola

    No, dw i solved it, it was actually really easy >_>;; Thanks Arowana21 and Just.Snaz for his/her attempt.
  2. Fortify

    Question: Locus & Parabola

    You got it wrong :P
  3. Fortify

    Biology VS Physics

    Physics is phun. >_>;;
  4. Fortify

    Question: Locus & Parabola

    [ANSWERED] Question: Locus & Parabola I'm stuck on this question: Point P moves so that (PA)^2 + (PB)^2 = 12 where A = (-2,-5) and B = (1,3). Find the equation of the locus of P
  5. Fortify

    ZOMGWTFBBQ! Runescape has HD now?

    Lol, runescape changed it graphics. It seems its no longer pixelated 2D people.
  6. Fortify

    latest PC games you recomend!

    Minesweeper. You can play for hours and hours.
  7. Fortify


    Yup. Just go to the link below and search for weaver/whatever hero. Complete list of strategy guides.
  8. Fortify

    Holiday Study Plans

    The rest on the forums. You troll Victor xD
  9. Fortify

    your current favourite song

    Roll Over - The Zico Chain Cowboys From Hell - Pantera
  10. Fortify

    Fort Minor

    Everything > Soulja Boy
  11. Fortify

    Competitive vs non competitive

    Typical Asian parents, aye Victor?
  12. Fortify

    latest PC games you recomend!

    - UT3 - Super smash bros. Brawl
  13. Fortify


    I quit DotA :D Isn't Bored Aussies a private server for BNET not a "fake".
  14. Fortify

    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    Re: Year 12 Jerseys PHATiMA!
  15. Fortify

    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    Re: Year 12 Jerseys Erm... no idea. CtrlAltDa1337:cool: or ``iLOVECK if its for a friend :)
  16. Fortify

    Firefox 3

    Just got it, i like new features, its pretty awesome.
  17. Fortify

    What course are you aiming for in uni?

    Law? Engineering? Architecture?
  18. Fortify

    If you could pick up additional subjects, what would they be?

    -IPT -Legal Studies -Biology -Economics
  19. Fortify


    I love watching the kids playing runescape at Everywhere Internet at Westfields Parramatta after school. It's so funny how they rage at the computers when they die.