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  1. BackCountrySnow

    whitening your teeth?

    obvious joke is obvious.
  2. BackCountrySnow

    Rate the MQ economics degree.

    oh thanks a lot for your responses guys. Could someone please upload the unit outline for first year micro n macro just so i can see what it's like? =]
  3. BackCountrySnow

    whitening your teeth?

    get a tan. It will make your teeth appear whiter.
  4. BackCountrySnow

    B Economikss - Pure degree; helppp ;D

    Then why don't you ditch this consumerist society we live in and rid yourself of all material posessions? how's that for free-living.
  5. BackCountrySnow

    Whos Playing the ASX sharegame?

    is it too late to join in?
  6. BackCountrySnow

    Rate the MQ economics degree.

    So how do you know what you need to learn, is it all in one textbook? Also, what's all the talk about EFS students only being able to have one major? thanks guys =]
  7. BackCountrySnow

    Conception Day 08

    good band.
  8. BackCountrySnow

    Rate the MQ economics degree.

    sweet. Does Macquarie stick to a syllabus like in highschool?
  9. BackCountrySnow

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    It's actually true. They are alligned differently, but scaled the same.
  10. BackCountrySnow

    Batman = a pile of fucking shit.

    lololskates FTW., you're treading in shark infested water.
  11. BackCountrySnow

    Highest payed gratuates vs. 10 years after ?

    same. I find HSC economics interesting. I've read first year textboooks and I can say I atleast find first year macro interesting. TIME magazine put economists as the 7th highest earning profession or sometthing like that.
  12. BackCountrySnow

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    ^^std english scales the same as advanced.
  13. BackCountrySnow

    bombed out in the trials.

    Namu means well. He's a nice kid. But sometimes he gets a bit ahead of himself.
  14. BackCountrySnow

    Michael Phelps?

    Stupid idea. got anymore?
  15. BackCountrySnow

    bombed out in the trials.

    how does that work?
  16. BackCountrySnow

    bombed out in the trials.

    Your ready, go blitz english.