^ Fuck yeah. my god, I cannot wait till the simple plan concert... its gunna be amazing. Then hopefully afterwoods ill get to have hot anal sex with the band members cause they're so damn hawt! :D
gah ... i didnt get assigned to a maths lab ... and they're all fucking full !!! :( i rang and one guy said heeps of ppl have the same problem, then he transfered me to maths or eng faculty and she was like 'speak to the lecturer on monday and he'll organise something' .... wtf :s wont they just...
hmmm usually takes me about 45-1hr on the train... depending on whether i get fast train or all stations. but eh, i have a car... but much cheaper and way easier to just catch the train ... i kinda enjoy just sitting there listning to music :p cept when its peak hour ... that time sucks :(
you dont absolutely have to ... but if you do it now, your results will be kept and you wont have to do it again later in 2nd semester when u actually start efs.
hmm well i guess it just depends on the amount of work you're willing to put in. if you think you can do enough work to improve your 2u marks alot, then thats prolli the best option ... but if you'd rather not bother, just do general - but make sure you fucking own that shit ;)
lol ... i was...
hmmm gah ... question: i did a group interview in late november, and was successful. about a week later someone rang and said to come down and see the manager... however i didnt get that job b'cus they needed someone to start straight away, and i was going off to schoolies. lol what im getting...