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  1. Purp|e


    hmmmm the whole concept depends on the precise little details of the situation ( ie. the niceness of the parents :p ... whether it has been like discussed at all with the girl etc. ) but NTB is right, the parents would hate the guy much less if he asked.
  2. Purp|e


    ahhh asking teh parents :o hmmm i would want to, but i guess it depends on what the parents are like. but damn that would be nerve-wrecking :rolleyes:
  3. Purp|e


    god damn, i missed azzie and tims engagement/wedding :( *sheds e-tear* ne who back to this whole topic thing ... i guess i wouldnt really care who did it, but id prolli rather do the whole traditional man thing :p
  4. Purp|e


    thejosiekiller is wondering whether ur comments were made to urge him to believe that u are hinting for him to propose to you. :rolleyes:
  5. Purp|e

    U2 fans...

    mmm hopefulli theres some money in it, i did it once outside the guitar factory at parramatta, but no money :( only laughs and awkward looks
  6. Purp|e

    U2 fans...

    hmmm yeah ill prolli spend the wait dancing outside QVB with a hat on the ground, hopefulli by december 2006 ill have enough money in my hat for a ticket !!!! :eek:
  7. Purp|e

    If you could kill...

    :) both these bands make me wanna eat my own feces... but i guess id get a bit more satisfaction from killing simple plan
  8. Purp|e

    Preference help.

    Ok... so im trying to figure out how i am going to order my preferences now. im not that sure what i wanna do, but im just gunna go with what im thinking right now :p ... so the course i most want to get into has a cut-off 0.3 above my UAI ... but the same course at another uni im about...
  9. Purp|e

    Your Favourite Clothing Label

    zion sportswear :uhhuh:
  10. Purp|e

    Best Rock Bands Ever

    bleh ... :cool:
  11. Purp|e

    Best Rock Bands Ever

    yes, the fact that i DISLIKE one band that you DISLIKE only brings me to one conclusion ... that is, i indeed do copy you.
  12. Purp|e

    Best Rock Bands Ever

    wow ... seems like Greenwood and Alfonso think alike. (although i do agree with them :))
  13. Purp|e

    Australia's Brainiest Kid

    hmmm ... i noticed, but i was more caught up in the hope that he would attempt to hit on anna coren.
  14. Purp|e

    UTS - just a building?

    yay :) hope is restored.
  15. Purp|e

    Che Guevera

    Hmmm well u must be getting a different side of the story to me... i have no fucking respect at all for that man. He is a coward. And whats this about him giving up a fortune to fight for his people ??? Maybe if he gave a fuck about his people he'd share his 'fortune' with them instead of using...
  16. Purp|e

    Asking for jobs at stores?

    hahah actually asking at stores for jobs really blows, its so damn embarrasing ... especially when the person ur asking is like a 14yr old gimp :( and they act superior to u !!!! makes me wanna take my belt off and chase them around the store, which is prolli why i dont have a job :o
  17. Purp|e

    Che Guevera

    hmmm i see where ur going ... but eh. I love Bob Marley for his music, not his social/political views. (although i do agree with most of them) ... newho, the ppl i was talking about are ppl who have no connection to che guevera or his cause, yet feel as though it is 'cool' to make it seem like...
  18. Purp|e

    Che Guevera

    Hmmm i dont know enough about this whole thing to comment. But what i will say is ... im fucking sick of seeing ppl walking around with 'che' t-shirts thinking how damn cool they are. THEY ARE NOT COOL, they are douche bags. :eek:
  19. Purp|e

    Going from TAFE to Uni

    hmmm i definitely dont have $12,000+ for SIBT or insearch ... so its either scrape into something with lower uai, or tafe :rolleyes:
  20. Purp|e

    Favourite band(s)

    Bahahahahahahaha ... im glad u picked up on that. It just made my day. :o