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  1. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    So he just created the potential for evil?
  2. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Lucifer? Britney Spears? Twilight? Are you saying they did not come from god in some way?
  3. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    So ... God created evil to exploit us? And is man love stronger than hate???? Buttsex is pretty powerful.
  4. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    If God is all powerful could he create something like Satan that could undermine his power? And does this mean our love is a perversion, my sweet impatiens????
  5. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    God makes us flawed and loves these flaws, however he does not love us unconditionally so as to accept our flaws? Instead he allows those who are flawed to experience eternal pain and suffering? Further, good things we do are to God's credit but bad things are our fault? If someone is incapable...
  6. kami

    Lying about being straight

    You find the concept of us interesting? I wasn't aware that I was a philosophical theory.:confused:
  7. kami

    Father arranged prostitute for virgin son

    Did she fuck him before arresting them, though? After all, she did get paid, so it's the only right thing to do.
  8. kami

    Social Inquiry --> Social Inquiry + Int Stds

    Try anyway, lots of things can happen. You probably won't get it though unless your original UAI was 99.xx
  9. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    The only conversation worth having about religious dogma is how it should be ignored in legislation and what to do to ensure that happens. Otherwise, there's nothing anyone should say to condemn anyone else as a sinner; that's for whichever higher being you believe in to decide and...
  10. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Why can I see the adhesive of God's beard? :(
  11. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I can't really appreciate it when it's essentially 'we don't hate you quite as much as the others do, mate.' I understand it and I approve of and applaud each positive step but I don't think it's something to appreciate that Australia is not quite as bad. Well, I'd say 'Homosexuality in...
  12. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Personally, I hate the word tolerance. At the heart of tolerance is disgust. i.e I will deal with you even though, deep down, you disgust me. So I'm not really that impressed with the legislature and populace for making great strides of tolerating us more than the US, especially when Canada, New...
  13. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    lol Cease. Firstly, if it's so foolish to fuss over a word then why is the Church fighting over it? Honestly, the argument that queers shouldn't be so fussy over a word goes both ways, especially when the Church has no actual reason to be involved in the legislative discussion, at all. We are...
  14. kami

    Is being bisexual just one step away from being gay?

    Bisexuality is not a step to or from any other orientation, it's its own category, however some people self-identify as such when coming to terms with their sexuality hence the term "Bi now! Gay you later!"
  15. kami

    lol. No. I hate the broadway/meriton hotel meats.

    lol. No. I hate the broadway/meriton hotel meats.
  16. kami

    Can the net make a person gay ?

    I got bored and BigPole is gone so it made less sense. Plus I'm currently obsessed with the Phoenix Wright series, haha.
  17. kami

    Queer Vertigo!

    I refuse to let this edition be like the other Vertigo stuff, it will be supreme. You guess? :p
  18. kami

    Queer Vertigo!

    That'd be his partner, Curtis. And I'm no sure how anyone can not know Barrow is gay, it radiates off of him.