Search results

  1. ccc123

    Failing in Assessments

    Think of it this way. That assessment, in the whole scheme of things, was worth 15/200 for that subject. Can you bounce back? YES. Will this 'failure' have a significant impact on your UAI? NO.
  2. ccc123

    UAI Prediction

    I didn't say she's do bad, and she won't necessarily perform poorly "with those subjects." If she does well, despite the scaling, she should achieve a high UAI. My point was that its very difficult to give any sort of prediction, because its early days and there is hence very little to predict from.
  3. ccc123

    UAI Prediction

    Re: UAI predicton plz :( Not really. I was just saying that it's hard to tell so early on and with so little information, so she should just do her best.
  4. ccc123

    Private/Public Schools

    What's compulsory at your school other than English?
  5. ccc123

    Are free periods beneficial?

    Free periods, if taken advantage of, can be beneficial. The problem is, however, that they are wasted much of the time. If you would like to take 14 units in yr 11, I would recommend doing so, and then dropping your worst subject/ the subject you dislike the most. If you like/are good at all...
  6. ccc123

    Any tiPs? for a year 10 going to year 11 ?

    Eng Adv: Take yr 11 as an opportunity to really consolidate your essay writing skills. Also, if your a rote-learner (i.e, you memorise essays then regurgitate them in exams), get out of this habbit, because remember they can ask anything in the HSC. Eng Ext: One of the things I noticed with...
  7. ccc123

    UAI Prediction

    Re: UAI predicton plz :( Um..? If you read your own post properly, you'd see that you didn't say 'if i keep this up consistantly': And if you read my post(s) properly or katie_Tully's, it would now be clear to you that your question cannot be answered, especially given the limited...
  8. ccc123

    How do they add up your total internal mark?

    Your internal marks will be modified by the Board Of Studies according to how well your cohort performs in the exams.
  9. ccc123

    what is the difference between social convetions and social institutions?

    From my understanding, a convention is indeed a set of principles or expectations society sets. And yes, a correct example would be gender roles. A institution differs in that it is not a mere principle, but an organisation or establishment that promotes a specific cause. E.g, the church is a...
  10. ccc123

    Langton's Pride + Prejudice

    qft. Austen was ultimately conservative. If you look at p and p, the forces of social continuity prevail.
  11. ccc123

    Standard or Advanced English???

    I heard their aos is 'belonging'.
  12. ccc123

    How do they add up your total internal mark?

    Remember there's also a modification process.
  13. ccc123

    Private/Public Schools

    I didn;t say he was an arrogant moron (though he is), but I'm not denying you'll get that everywhere. While I agree that Private schools have more facilities, my argument is many of them are uneccessary.
  14. ccc123

    What does your study area look like? (contains photos)

    Lol I have no specific study area. My books and notes occupy every corner of every room. Actually, just looking in front of me on the computer desk, there are so many books/ readings/notes that the desk surface is well concealed by a 15cm deep pile of my crap.
  15. ccc123

    Private/Public Schools

    Mine too. Hence, I go to a public school. Nevertheless, I'm truly surviving without a marching uniform and underground car-park (which kings also has)
  16. ccc123

    Writing in assessments

    yeah I suppose you can still get a harsh lot of markers. Hey, does teh 1st marker decide on a grade then the 2nd marker decides on where you fit in the range?
  17. ccc123

    Private/Public Schools

    Hence their ridiculous $15000-20000 fees a year. Thats the same with a family I know, with one going to Kings and the otehr Tara. Kings has 5 different uniforms (one for marching, one for rowing, one for assemby..) To me, if there is a decent public school nearby, it seems foolish to waste so...
  18. ccc123

    How Much Study Should You Do Every Night?

    It is. Too much probably, for most people. Still, if you can stick to such a rigourous regime, I applaud you.
  19. ccc123

    Private/Public Schools

    There is no 'better' system. There are shit public schools, and shit private schools. Some students will benefit from a private school education, some won't and may in fact excel more in a public school. Whether or not a private school system is a waste of money depends on the student and the...
  20. ccc123

    How Much Study Should You Do Every Night?

    There are 489999444563 threads like this. The search function exists for a reason. Obviously, there is no general rule because what works for one person may not work for another. If you get bored easily, alternate between subjects. if you prefer to get one thing done at a time, stick to one per...