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  1. SipSip

    Being in LOVE

    I am speechless in hearing that...all i could say is that i will treat you better than any girl in the world...and also...i'm the luckiest guy in the world ^^
  2. SipSip

    Most romantic setting for a date

    For the gal i love most, i would hire out a theme park for the night and then have musicians play music while we dine under the candlelight. and then we would go on the ferriss wheel and enjoy the site together....
  3. SipSip

    hsc related suicides, iv heard about 20 this year

    What is up with teachers who do me, it seems like they've lost the love for teaching to say something like that. They need a holiday to refind the reason why they choose teaching in the first place...i mean, it certainly wasn't the pay...but yeah...adults don't seem to know that some...
  4. SipSip


    They are around 800-1200 for a complete installation and tune...but the amount of kW it'll add will probably be around 5kW max...
  5. SipSip

    GTA: San Andreas

    SA was good to begin with and the story line was decent...but the "extra features" that was suppose to make the game more interesting was quite quick to deflate into nothing...i mean, i would've thought i'll love to make it a 100% finish...but after finishing the story...i lost interest...
  6. SipSip


    Yes...i agree...i had the previlege of "owning" an sti for a while...and had to boost the turbo and suspension change...very nice...did the muffler as well...but i wouldn't call that the best option...since that it was so loud that my dad got pissed at me...
  7. SipSip

    hsc related suicides, iv heard about 20 this year

    Hehe...i was just saying what was on my mind ^^
  8. SipSip

    hsc related suicides, iv heard about 20 this year

    Students who sadly kill themselves are often filled with hatred and dispair for both the world and their parents. It is probably more often than not that students will kill themselves after an argument with their parents or the release of poor grades. Kids who kill themselves because of poor...
  9. SipSip


    I really don't mind performance mods, those are decent....i don't think eyelids and different colour lights could make the car faster. Those are wasted money spent on things that won't benefit the car, as i always say, stickers won't make the car go faster.
  10. SipSip

    pretty/handsome vs hot

    Thanks for the agreement sped_kid be honest, handsome or pretty is kinda like an aura which lasts more than being hot! since that hot is normally related more to the body figure... And once again, hot is where they know it and show it...handsome is a more modest form...
  11. SipSip


    Why modified cars when stock cars can provide good performance whilst still preserve the warranty... Rice cars are a waste of money...especially those who thinks sticking on stickers on the car...but eat person has their i guess should respect that...
  12. SipSip

    pretty/handsome vs hot

    Pretty relates to girls who are good looking but don't show off by wearing close to nothing, something along the line of modest beauty. Whereas hot, to me, means they know they have a great body and look good...and thus wear somewhat more revealing clothing...thus releasing their sex appeal more.
  13. SipSip

    PLaying hard to Get

    Like girls will flirt and pay their attention to you especially teasing and your habbits but when you try to get close, they just won't let you get near enough, that's physically and mentally... Plan hard and asking to be ignored is when people act cool and ignore ya...
  14. SipSip

    Damn Federer, his too gud

    Safin has he just gives up when things goes bad...
  15. SipSip

    bf problems

    What does his parents have to do with you two loving each other? Although I could understand from observing other family friends, that asian parents seems to have spies on us and judge your every move. Now, are you taller than your bf? And even if you are, i don't see what's there to complain...
  16. SipSip

    wanting a change...

    What age kids? Work in a toy store or something... Or just coles...
  17. SipSip

    Family Guy back on free to air!

    you see...That's why seven is going downhill...they don't even know when to freaken set the time for shows to be aired...who the heck is going to watch it at 11:30am.. mums! Sorry for being rude about seven...but yeah...
  18. SipSip

    Damn Federer, his too gud

    No argument about federer being an absolutely great tennis player... But to be honest...i think he lacks character and charisma... I would choose to watch ruddock over him any day...sorry for saying that to all federer fans, but ruddock is just more exciting to watch...
  19. SipSip

    Fave Jap Songs

    First Love!!! GO UTADA!!!
  20. SipSip

    BEST racing game ever made!

    Grand Turismo will always be the benchmark for real simulation of racing games... As for's shit! they didn't put honda in...