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  1. grk_styl

    B Psychology

    so its basically all science then?
  2. grk_styl

    B Psychology

    I've always wanted to do the B Psych, but never thought I'd get the marks. But now that I've got the marks, I'm contemplating it. Can anyone who is doing it give me their opinions on the degree? I'm not a Science freak, so I don't know if this degree is full of science. Is it a hectic...
  3. grk_styl

    Theatre Reviews for IP

    Majority of companies reopen around the 5th-10th of Jan. I remember seeing 3 productions for my Theatre Crit IP all before school started on the 1st of Feb. It's a good idea to see a variety of productions and view them at the beginning of the year, coz you don't want to be still reviewing the...
  4. grk_styl

    Pharaoh Summary

    Thanks to Eliza B HSC NOTES - HATSHEPSUT Statue: Red Granite Sphinx This piece of propaganda was found at Hatshepsut?s mortuary temple of Deir-el Bahri. It is a traditional sphinx where Hatshepsut is portrayed more as a male, wearing the royal head-dress, (broken) uraeus and false...
  5. grk_styl

    Education at USYD

    it could move up OR down, so don't rule it out just as yet :)
  6. grk_styl

    That Anthony song.

    it took Casey's spot! mwahahahaha! :p
  7. grk_styl

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    he doesn't sound like it...he IS the pedo :p it's harry ppotter..need i elaborate? lol *ducks flying objects from Harry Pothead fans* :p
  8. grk_styl

    Congratulations Class of 2004!

    if you come in the top 20 of the ancient exam they display ur name and ur position in the SMH
  9. grk_styl


    I'm really thinking of getting that done. I want to see where I bombed out in. I'm contemplating asking my teacher next yr or doing it now. But next yr, I doubt I'll care and since I care at the moment, I'll probably get it done. I'm thinking my worst mark came from GP. *evil glare*
  10. grk_styl

    general maths

    I got internal 96 and exam 91 = 94, band 6 yes i think it helped my uai. coz the 94 put me in the top percentile or something. I dunno, I wasn't paying much attention when my brother told me.
  11. grk_styl


    im about 98% sure you cant lose marks when re-checking! It's worth a shot!
  12. grk_styl

    Education at USYD

    i dont think there are classes on a tues night...just speaking from a lil bit of knowledge i have. Also, the hours are between 20 and 25 a week. I don't know how flexible the time tables are, but I do know that students are at uni usually between 9 and 3 (give or take) as USYD targets for...
  13. grk_styl

    in class essay

    ok, so i told u to memorise the essay, and MissSavage says not to (well she did kill ancient history with a 99 :p) basically, do what you feel comfortable with. For me (i could NEVER write na essay on the spot) and i felt that memorising whole essays would work for me. And it did. lol So...
  14. grk_styl

    Research essay/assess--Greek World 500-440

    We never really focused on Cleruchies when I did this topic, however I do have a bit of information: Establishment of cleruchies Between 450 and 446BC, Athens inaugurated a system of cleruchies, which were settlements of Athenian citizens abroad. These strengthened Athens’ hold on her...
  15. grk_styl

    What's your 1st uni preference?

    B Education (Secondary: Humanities & Social Sciences) / B Arts @ USYD
  16. grk_styl

    Welcome '05rs - Whats your individual project?

    all you 05'ers rock! lol it's so true, you guys will all fit in. We're a big bunch of Drama Queens (and Kings for those sexually challenged :p) [kidding lol] anyway, I think maybe we should make a Help Thread so that you guys can ask past student questions. :)
  17. grk_styl

    Congratulations Class of 2004!

    did u get a placing??
  18. grk_styl

    Education at USYD

    oh yeh yeh, im not saying a Dip Ed is bad. Majority of teachers have a Dip Ed. But I dunno, it just seems like a Bachelor is better than a Diploma. I could be wrong?
  19. grk_styl

    Education at USYD

    Actually, Ive been told that USYD has the best reputation for Education. Majority of graduates who go thru USYD get a job straight away, coz the faculty is so excellent. My mum knows the Dean i think (or someone up there) and graduates are able to go to the best schools coz they're so...
  20. grk_styl

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    lol i wanna do teaching, my folks want me to do law now that I got a high enough UAI. They also want me to try for doctor. ROFL riiiiight. na, just do what YOU want to do, not what your folks say. Coz it's your future and not theirs.