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  1. Aplus

    Feelings towards year 12

    PM takes forever. You have to keep refreshing your page.
  2. Aplus

    Co-ordinate Geometry Query

    I'd rather have m - n than -m + n Looks more natural and less ugly :)
  3. Aplus

    how many hrs have u studied

    Seriously. School certificate taught me nothing about study habits, nor was it even important in any way at all (unless you're a dropout).
  4. Aplus


    Don't worry. You soon will (next year).
  5. Aplus

    Co-ordinate Geometry Query

    If point A and point B are divided by a ratio of m:n , they may be considered to be internally divided, or externally divided. Formula For Point Of Internal Division P = ( [mx2 + nx1] / [m + n] ) , ( [my2 + ny1] / [m + n] ) Formula For Point of External Division The same concept is...
  6. Aplus

    Studywiz Learning Platform?

    Never heard of it :o
  7. Aplus

    Gap year talk.

    Re: gap year? I'll probably take a gap year travelling around the world.
  8. Aplus

    what subject do i need 2 choose?

    Not if you cheat the system.
  9. Aplus

    how to apply to selective schools which arent close to where you live

    Apply for S/NS/JR :rolleyes:
  10. Aplus

    Easy differentiation maths question my mind is currently blank on

    Might want to delete this post as well :rolleyes:
  11. Aplus

    Mathematics --> General ??

    Lesson maybe. More of shock and panic with just little over a year remaining.
  12. Aplus

    Mathematics --> General ??

    I'd rather get crap marks for my whole life and then get good marks in Year 11 than get good marks my whole life and drop randomly in Year 11 :vcross:
  13. Aplus

    Mathematics --> General ??

    I was somewhat in a similar state. My lowest mark in previous years was 70%, but this year in the first MX1 exam I received a mark around 30-40% :( . However, in the recent exam (not long ago), I managed mid-high 90's. However, my concern is that, I have never in my life, gotten a mark as...
  14. Aplus

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Re: What UAI are you aiming for? Nope. Lotto is based purely on luck. If you want to get 100 UAI, you can work hard and know that if you conistently put in the effort, you will be rewarded in the long term.
  15. Aplus

    Recommended Texbooks/Study Guides for Preliminary HSC?

    Re: Recommended Texbooks/Study Guides? English textbooks once you get beyond Year 7/8 are generally useless and a waste of time.
  16. Aplus

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Re: What UAI are you aiming for? Having a high UAI leaves your options very open and flexible. High UAI with not much idea of what you want to do > Low UAI and knowing that you can't do what you want to do
  17. Aplus

    Police stave off pedophile 'lynch mob'

    House arrest with 24 hour surveillance?
  18. Aplus

    PP doing chem and/or Bio I have a question for you.

    None. Only for English and Modern. Which are completed.
  19. Aplus

    Year 10 Formal

    An hour sleep? :o