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  1. Rafy

    R18+ rating issued to Australian video games

    All jurisdictions are now supporting the r18+ rating, which means it can finally be implemented.
  2. Rafy

    London Riots

    Which hasn't been policy for 40 years?
  3. Rafy

    London Riots

    Australia has quite high levels of immigration.
  4. Rafy

    NSW delays implementation of National Curriculum

    I'd rather they get it right than rush into it.
  5. Rafy

    NSW delays implementation of National Curriculum
  6. Rafy

    London Riots

    What on earth England? (with pics)...
  7. Rafy

    Trial or HSC

  8. Rafy

    Fred Nile is now running NSW

    The solution is to get rid of party discipline. Then no one MP/Senator or small group of MPs/Senators would have the balance of power. All an executive needs anyway is their party MPs to support them on supply and confidence. Party discipline is probably the biggest problem with our system. It...
  9. Rafy

    Member Feedback Survey

    Hi BOSers, Bored of Studies exists to serve you its members and we want to build a site that best meets student's needs. Your feedback about the site is much valued and appreciated and will inform a planned major refresh of Bored of Studies. Please complete this short survey (10 questions)...
  10. Rafy

    Trial or HSC

    HSC External exam. No contest.
  11. Rafy

    School Certificate abolished

    Yeh. The new credential is only relevant for those leaving before they complete the HSC. If you are going to complete the HSC, you dont have to worry at all about it.
  12. Rafy


    We had VBShout in the past. We might look at reinstalling it, but there are far higher priorities.
  13. Rafy

    Fred Nile is now running NSW
  14. Rafy

    Fred Nile is now running NSW

  15. Rafy

    School Certificate abolished

    The Hon Adrian Piccoli MP Minister for Education MEDIA RELEASE Thursday 4 August 2011 GOVERNMENT TO ABOLISH SCHOOL CERTIFICATE NSW Education Minister, Adrian Piccoli, announced today that the School Certificate will be abolished from 2012. “The external tests currently administered to all...
  16. Rafy

    School Certificate abolished

    Sounds to me that the new leaving credential will just report on achievement up to the point you leave. Not a new exam. Certainly not something that everybody proceeding to the HSC will need to take or at all worry about.
  17. Rafy

    School Certificate abolished

    They announced a review back then, there was no decision to abolish it. Also that was a different government.
  18. Rafy

    School Certificate abolished

    Government has announced the abolition of the school certificate. This year's cohort will be the last to complete it. NSW Government to abolish year 10 certificate (SMH)
  19. Rafy

    18 year old supposed 'bomb threat' in Mosman

    Sounds pretty serious actually. Extortion attempt. It's a wealthy family.