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  1. wendus


    Re: Formal Transport you don't want to ?!?!?!?! but why!
  2. wendus

    Do i need a girlfriend?

    good one.
  3. wendus

    Anyone Else Finding A Lot Of People Breaking Up Recently?

    yeah towards end of term 3... liek now... lol.
  4. wendus

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

    lol bi would be kinda hot
  5. wendus


    Re: Formal Transport HUMMERS !!! ohmygod.
  6. wendus

    Do i need a girlfriend?

    who needs boys anyway. pffft
  7. wendus

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

    8 is even a bit big imo and that fact is quite enlightening...
  8. wendus

    Girls : What do you drink when your out?

    hahaha all the better. what with the alchopops tax these days... ):
  9. wendus

    student teachers at the most inappropriate times

    hahaha yeah my dt teacher tells me to tell him when to shut up if he's taking up too much of my time (:
  10. wendus

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

    oooh i wanna see ! actually no that's disgusting
  11. wendus

    Girls : What do you drink when your out?

    oh i should try vodka apple someday! and wtf are quick fucks and wet pussies such appropriate names
  12. wendus

    Girls : What do you drink when your out?

    yeah water is the best. just drink heaps of water after the alcho.
  13. wendus

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

    yeah lol. that is just scary.
  14. wendus

    masturbation problem.

    LOL as in, move it up and down the shaft i think he means ... HAHAHAHAHA
  15. wendus

    Girls, do you prefer talkative or quiet guys?

    depends. he can't be quiet ALL the time. but he needs to know when to stfu.
  16. wendus


    dude where is WIKIPEDIA in your biblio??? and oooh sounds like fun (: we acted out 'going over the top' in WWI ... everybody just fell down and died hahaha
  17. wendus

    What album(s) did you listen to today?

    oh HOLLY THROSBY! she is my hero
  18. wendus

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

    7 inches is little to be proud of well actually it's not so bad..
  19. wendus

    Bollywood Movies

    nothing! we just don't like them
  20. wendus

    inner journey - creative writing peice.. need help

    well actually you SHOULD plan a couple of storylines and do some practice papers to get you ready.