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  1. wendus

    English Question

    yeah use the brackets zoidberg! (:
  2. wendus

    School / Subject

    Re: What school you at? hell yes holla to north sydney girls!
  3. wendus

    three course meal.

    crème brûlée oh yum yum yum
  4. wendus

    How to attract a girl: The Essential Guide

    yeah maybe in Geelong.
  5. wendus

    Shrek as a related text

    oops sorry. yes it is belonging.
  6. wendus

    Am i the only person in the state doing Mohenjo-Daro?

    this is the case study right? you must go to an interesting school (:
  7. wendus

    Shrek as a related text

    ohh so you're doing journeys aren't you. ok then.
  8. wendus

    going down there...

  9. wendus

    going down there...

    swallowing is disgusting IMO. in fact, oral sex is just disgusting in general. but it's not so bad if he doesn't taste horrible / force you to do things. and kissing afterwards isn't so bad either (:
  10. wendus

    how many people are doing history extension in your school?

    i think we have about 21 or more. and we don't have morning or afternoon classes! :D
  11. wendus

    When Will You Move Out?

    i am out of here as fast as i can. probably next year.
  12. wendus

    Shrek as a related text

    omg yeah. are you class of 2009? in that case study CHANGE, not journeys. or are you just reading ahead?
  13. wendus

    Am i the only person in the state doing Mohenjo-Daro?

    lolers. no we're not doing that. good luck with it (:
  14. wendus

    How to attract a girl: The Essential Guide

    you stupid FUCK
  15. wendus

    masturbation problem.

    this guy is just awesome.
  16. wendus

    Shrek as a related text

    i mean if you want an a-range response, it's best that you have your structure something like this: thesis statement insight 1 prescribed text 1 supp text 1 prescribed text 2 supp text 2 insight 2 prescribed text 1 supp text 1 prescribed text 2 supp text 2 conclusion or something like that...
  17. wendus

    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    that's pretty LOL :)
  18. wendus

    Shrek as a related text

    ONLY if you can write about it in a sophisticated manner and have reasonably good insights. otherwise, popular texts aren't always good choices. EDIT: make sure your awesome shrek insights link well with your immigrant chronicles insights too. AOS is concept driven.
  19. wendus

    Who here goes to a selective school?

    we have 3 4u classes at NSG.