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  1. fornstar

    double majors???

    a tad! lol so ur doin BBA+BA-Psych, thats wat i want 2 do. wat r u majoring in, and do u major in sumthn for the BBA and BA or just one
  2. fornstar

    Does Gen Maths Scale U Down

    LOL joe u sounded like me this time last yr. i dropped 2 general and got a 81 all up. it didnt end up counting 2 my uai. but regardless, dropping general gave me more time 2 focus on my other subjects, instead of wasting time learning (or trying 2 learn) the bs in the mathematics course. if u...
  3. fornstar

    double majors???

    hey at the risk of sounding stupid, is it possible 2 do a double major. eg - if i did B Bus Admin, could i major in accounting and hrm or would u have 2 do a combined degree, like B Bus Admin/ B Com-Accounting??? sorry if this has already been posted, thanks
  4. fornstar

    accepting offer and enrolling

    wat we do???
  5. fornstar

    2005 Offers

    arts (pysch) 4 me .... WOOHOO!!!!
  6. fornstar

    y not macq???

    uts has, its in the general-uni forum a thread bout it. looks like ill have 2 wait til 2night .... DAMN U MACQ!!!
  7. fornstar

    y not macq???

    it appears that uts and unsw have released their offers already (uts im sure of cause my mate got in!) y cant macq do this???
  8. fornstar

    gameboy love???

    u disgrace!!!! LOL
  9. fornstar

    hardwork vs. natural ability

    a mate of mine is really bright. like a naturally smart guy. but he also studied his arse off. he changed his sleeping patterns so that at night he would study and by day sleep, cause at night there was less distractions. he got 99.4. i also noe a guy who studied like a crazy person but he...
  10. fornstar

    Career Or Family

    i want 2 b a daddy!!! if my wife was worried bout her job, she can take maternity leave 2 have it and ill stay home 2 raise the lil one. it would b awesome, catch up wit the cartoons and play school, and just do shit round the house all day. sounds alrite life 2 me becoming a full time dad!
  11. fornstar

    poll2 for do you want your partner to be a virgin

    i would prefer virgin, then she cant compare me wit other ppl ... not like im a bad root (i wouldnt noe!)
  12. fornstar

    Wow its got iceskating... and stuff...

    iceskating .... this the 'mad' social life at macq hey???
  13. fornstar

    first pref

    i put macquraire down as 1st pref .... mainly cause i couldnt get into the others and cause ive always wanted 2 go macq!
  14. fornstar

    Which movie has made you cry??

    Keanu Reeves in Hard Ball .... wen that lil black kid dies i nearly cried ...
  15. fornstar

    People who got >90 in subjects: how did you study?

    if u go u would prove the lousy students part
  16. fornstar

    Ba-Psych help

    LOL explain its social life, its wat every1 says, but i dont get how it could b betta
  17. fornstar

    Ba-Psych help

    LOL yea its shit waiting this long. i guess they got their reasons .... BASTARDS!!! so how u find macquarie uni, i really want 2 get in, hence all the different arts course i put down
  18. fornstar

    Ba-Psych help

    LOL the waiting game ... thats my nick on msn atm!!! yea i did, i also but arts with diploma of education!
  19. fornstar

    Ba-Psych help

    yea they were ringn ppl yesterday and 2day. nah it wil b listed, wel thats wat the guy in charge of it said at the open day 4 internal transfer. he was telln every1 2 do arts and trasnfer. but i really want arts(pysch)!!! clairegirl sort of sold me on it!
  20. fornstar

    Ba-Psych help

    yea that was the plan. i wanted 2 do b human resource managment, but u needed 89 uai and i got 88.7 ... missed out by .3! but arts(pysch) had similar subjects, so i thought i would do it and transfer after 1st semester into b hrm without wasting time. but last yr it was 87 2 do arts(pysch) ... i...