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  1. MoonlightSonata

    Typical Aussies Ruin Australia

    I know why do people say "hache"? I always correct people when that happens I did it to a teacher once... but those maths teachers don't know their grammar (watch English teachers though, they can't add up properly) It's "eightch" dammit!
  2. MoonlightSonata

    Contracts Cases...Help!

    Hmm seems like a weird authority for misrep. Old and not HC. From my ye old contracts notes: • Statements of opinion may involve statements of fact: the fact that the opinion is held by the person expressing it: Fitzpatrick v Michel (1928). • Similarly, "if the facts are not equally known...
  3. MoonlightSonata

    Contracts Cases...Help!

    Foran v Wight Basically Foran v Wight tells us that if you want to terminate for breach or wrongful repudiation you have to be able to show that you were "ready, willing and able" to perform the contract at the time of breach, for actual breach. Terminating for anticipatory breach still...
  4. MoonlightSonata

    'National Call for Men to Pull their Weight'

    I can't wait for Phanatical to rear his lovely head
  5. MoonlightSonata

    Typical Aussies Ruin Australia

    As much love as I have for humanity, language just really segregates people. That kind of "what up bro" crap -- really, I can't relate to people who talk like that. Even when my intentions are entirely benevolent and amiable, and I meet someone who talks "like a wog" to an exceptional...
  6. MoonlightSonata

    Saddam Insights

  7. MoonlightSonata

    Typical Aussies Ruin Australia

    That's how I talk sometimes! A fusion of upper-class Englishman sprinkled with cali beach bum oddities which is rather appropriate, for the Northern Beaches... I like how words have double uses across different contexts. For instance, I say "bloody" and "bloody hell" a lot, but I...
  8. MoonlightSonata

    HSC for sale :(

    An example... a while ago on their newsletter to schools or some such thing, on the front page they had a headline: WARNING! We would like to warn students about the site "" - it may not be reliable and may contain false information. We advise that it is not safe to...
  9. MoonlightSonata

    HSC for sale :(

    One day the men in black will come for Lazarus ;) the Board has had painful dealings with him in the past, I'm sure they aren't exactly brimming with adoration for this place
  10. MoonlightSonata

    Contract Law - I need legal advice....

    He can try ...and he continues to try :)
  11. MoonlightSonata

    HSC for sale :(

    There is no exam for English Extension 2.
  12. MoonlightSonata

    Contract Law - I need legal advice....

    The guy is just crazy. Did you see his summons to the governor general for treachery?
  13. MoonlightSonata

    door to door knocking thing

    No. Not unless there was any accompanying body language or actions which suggested he might harm you. It is quite clear, though he was rude, that he meant to come back in 4 weeks to see if you had done what you said. Hardly threatening 50 bucks for a painted number, what a rip off!
  14. MoonlightSonata

    People doing law for the $$$/career prospects

    Hey, it's always been a part of my agenda.
  15. MoonlightSonata

    i need a solicitor

    Leases can be tricky. It is a weird area of the law where contract and property law fuses, and a lot depends on the terms of the lease and how it is assigned when the property is transferred. In short, you would be bound by the lease, as there will be privity of estate between you and whoever...
  16. MoonlightSonata

    Contract Law - I need legal advice....

    It was probably this guy
  17. MoonlightSonata

    Contract Law - I need legal advice....

    Oh I'll be at the bar alright :) (Btw, even if for some CRAZY reason the guy suceeded for breach of contract, he'd get as damages whatever the cost was of the pack of cards. I'm guessing about $10! Judges wouldn't even make you pay his court costs probably, seeing as it was a frivolous...
  18. MoonlightSonata

    Contract Law - I need legal advice....

    In that case, you have nothing to worry about. (There are really only two things he could possibly sue for: 1. Breach of contract. Since it is a term of the contract that the other party presents a coupon, you would only be ever guilty of breaching it if when he finally presented the...
  19. MoonlightSonata

    Contract Law - I need legal advice....

    Okay What I really need to know is, did the coupon state "present this coupon to receive a free pack of cards" on it?
  20. MoonlightSonata

    Contract Law - I need legal advice....

    I can tell you straight away, based on what you've said, that there is no case for supposedly being rude. Forget that. To deal with the contracts question (which actually, if the guy had any knowledge, is also a Trade Practices Act issue), some information on what the newsagency advertised...