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  1. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    aww poor glitter *feeds through a loaf through the screen* PB! you friggen excellent wonder, i love you! lol hearing ur story about chocolate urrm not giving-inness helped me walk away from the the last tim tam! :D
  2. clairegirl

    Skool Uniform !!!!!

    my highschool didn't have a uniform very american-ish in that sense lol we were a public scool... we had a uniform that was voluntary if u wanted to buy it, some girls usually cut the jackets/blazers etc to look funky-ish.. Otherwise as long as you wear black/grey/green/brown it was...
  3. clairegirl

    Last minute psy234 emergency

    maybe you killed the long answer bit :D
  4. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    pb you've come back! yay! do ur summary day! u inspire me! gooooo hurry i wanna looksie and fill in the "stuff i've done today to be healthy"
  5. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    jlh yehh that was him :p
  6. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    coz i konw greg :P we were mates... even though i havnt seen him in like a year and a half lol
  7. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    OJ I've seen you myself in mktg101 lectures.. u used to come in late n stuff and we were in the same room for bba103 finals Your a third year, your asian lol and greg wouldn't lie to me :p he said you acknowledged him a few times
  8. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    lol @ erica ----- O.k so excercise and health have taken sort of a back seat while exams are on. Soooo.. i've decided to include a "things i tried to do today to be healthy" section.. in my summary days. Breakfast: Noodle soup and prawns/chicken (stuff from last nite's bbq) Lunch: :( not...
  9. clairegirl

    MQ: Would you go on exchange/live with someone you've never met before?

    ohh okay :) thats awsome... im thinking of going on a short term exchange as well later on down the track :)
  10. clairegirl

    Last minute psy234 emergency

    his exam is now lol
  11. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    oh gosh me too iam! its pathetic lol im better off sleeping lol
  12. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    lol OJ.. dude ur asian and i've seen u arond uni :P EYE i have personally seen you because greg, pb n sukiyaki have pointed u out to me :d
  13. clairegirl

    MQ: Would you go on exchange/live with someone you've never met before?

    wow really??? i thought you were a firstie imnopq?? how'de u go on exchange ?? oooh and where'de u go for exchange?
  14. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    lol @ oj i wouldn't mind house sitting.. but i'de also like to have a few friends over for a dinner n movies n stuff i wouldn't have a house party though, thats jsut rude :p
  15. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    lol yeah i don't really eat weetbix anymore but back in the day when i used to eat cereal for breakfast... i was able to eat around 5 and think that was normal lol (see...i was in competition with the the ad on tv, with the cricketer who could eat 10!) I've only just rediscovered weetbix...
  16. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    awww another bos-er sick and the flu right before an exam! :s great timing aww poor julez *pat forehead* Breakfast: 4 weetbix with sugar and skim milk (guys shud i be eating 2 or 3? is 4 too much?) Lunch: spoonful of pasta and prawn soup Dinner: ruined today lol i had rice and charcoal...
  17. clairegirl

    MQ: Would you go on exchange/live with someone you've never met before?

    what meet ups?? lol "us" meetups?? lol im not waiting that long to meet you! I'll be meeting you as soon as i can figure out a day in the holz that we're both free! Edit: just realised what you meant! lol yeah that sounds cool :d then we can go uni library/macq centre borders and have a...
  18. clairegirl

    Do i need textbooks???

    im gunna go against the mainstream here and say that you don't need the practice book for accg105 Just borrow the book from a friend and photocopy the first few pages ... i never did it.. because well i didn't know how to do it haha oooh and i ended up with a D *yes im bragging! lol i bloody...
  19. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    sounds like you need a trip to cotton on!! hahaha it sounds like i work for the store or something but i don't but i just lurrve cotton on coz its so cheap :D and if ur feeling cheap u can easily dress the stuff up or down :D or better yet goto kmart! Buy bonds jumpers they're absolutely...
  20. clairegirl

    MQ: Would you go on exchange/live with someone you've never met before?

    i know .... *warm fuzzy* SHE LOVES US! SHE LOVES US!! :D