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  1. Fortify

    2009ers: How was your school day?

    Very bad. So far i got 2 assessment tasks. And two tests. =="
  2. Fortify

    3 sciences or just 2?

    I do two sciences. Physics and chemistry.
  3. Fortify

    Chem Assignment Help!

    I got a powerpoint presentation today, which isdue in two weeks.:mad: Could anyone help me? Notes or links to website are good :]
  4. Fortify

    Modern History OR Software?

    Software involves more problem solving and logic, where as Modern History is more general knowledge of politics and memorising. Software only scales if you get I think it was Top 5% [Not sure].
  5. Fortify

    Greatest ever game created....ever

  6. Fortify

    2009ers: How was your school day?

    kekeke? Asian Much? School was so bludgely, we had photo day :]
  7. Fortify

    School / Subject

    Re: What school you at? Yep, I'm from LSSC :]
  8. Fortify

    School / Subject

    Re: What school you at? Sydney Secondary College. Blackwattle Bay Campus. It's a hole.
  9. Fortify

    Your yr 11 eng AoS

    "Belonging". Our teacher hasn't told us the Shakespeare text we were doing, but right now we are reading 'Emma' By 'Jane Austen'
  10. Fortify

    Predict your Marks and Bands

    That's because you got all your marks from the last bit (Human Rights). ;)
  11. Fortify

    Whens your last day?

    For me, Dec 4. excluding work exp. if u include then Dec 7
  12. Fortify

    yumm... studying snacks....

    Before Exam:High in energy foods: Chocolate, Sugary Drinks, Berocca! In Exam: Water, Chewing Gum (Keeps you awake)
  13. Fortify

    Computer Skills Tips

    The main thing is to do the online test. You have to remember to read the question properly. One question on the online test asked how to get to help contents but it asked in a different like "which toolbar would you press to find out how to get _______ "
  14. Fortify


    lol our examiners were like "plz pull the sheets apart wait...dun pull them apart" and the at the end of the test their like "plz pull them apart for collecting ¬_¬"
  15. Fortify

    CompSkills - Online or P&P?

    P&P FTW! Our school is too cheap for computers..
  16. Fortify

    Hardest test was?

    From Hardest to Easiest: 1.His/Geo 2.English 3.Science 4.Maths I failed His/Geo big time. And yes, i think the science was easier than last years. T
  17. Fortify

    SC 07 SCIENCE - Combustion or Decomposition?

    The question was something like this:What type of reaction is "Copper Carbonate + Heat => Copper Oxide + Carbon Dioxide. And also I don't think it was corrosion cos heat isnt a catalyst for corrsion (correct me if im rong).But was is a catalyst for corrosion.
  18. Fortify

    SC 07 SCIENCE - Combustion or Decomposition?

    Same here! Decomposition didn't even pop up. Found why it was Decomposition:
  19. Fortify

    SC 07 SCIENCE - Combustion or Decomposition?

    Was it Combustion or Decomposition? I Put combustion cos of the heat, but there was no oxygen or oxidiser -.-". Some Friends told me decomposition..
  20. Fortify

    So, how did everyone find maths, history and geography?

    Maths was alrite overall..The last Q. about how much length for the metal frame. The examiner to me only 2 top slanted parts are made of metal...and the bottom was wooden...i got confused... I failed Geo/His. Esp. Extended Response. Human Rights/Reconciliation we didnt do that properly at...