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  1. BackCountrySnow

    Mathematics Tutoring

    Piss the fuck off.
  2. BackCountrySnow

    Rate the MQ economics degree.

    that's a shame. I know at ANU they require you to do atleast one economic history elective in order to complete the economics major. What is all this talk about the majors at macquarie being different? Something about only being able to complete one major...
  3. BackCountrySnow

    "Recession possible" - Kevin Rudd

    Kevin ganked Freddy mack and Fanny Mae.
  4. BackCountrySnow

    Rate the MQ economics degree.

    Hey, thanks for your input. =] I've never been to a university lecture so I don't know what to expect at all. Would you say macquarie is unique in that the teachers can't tap into the learning of students? Because I'd imagine that most universities have heaps of lecturers with PHDs. Do you...
  5. BackCountrySnow

    Essay Predictions - HSC 2008

    It was asked last year. So was the Case Study. So chances are it won't be asked this year's HSC.
  6. BackCountrySnow

    No Defee Places?

    yes, because it would look shit for them if it fails.
  7. BackCountrySnow

    No Defee Places?

    What makes you think the government won't keep compensating it? It's not that much money when you think about how much the government has allocatd to education.
  8. BackCountrySnow

    Question about The Road Not Taken

    He takes the road that seems less traveled by. ( Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim) But then he concludes that they're both worn out the same. (Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same) But then at the end he says he...
  9. BackCountrySnow

    Question about The Road Not Taken

    He believes he took the road less traveled by, but realizes later he didn't. But then at the end he says he took the path less traveled by. And I know that there is no longer a stimulus booklet but I'm still using the road not taken as a related text.
  10. BackCountrySnow

    Question about The Road Not Taken

    So he takes the path that appears less traveled by (the grassy one) but then after a while he realizes that they are both pretty much worn out about the same. But then in the last stanza he says that he took the road less traveled by. Didn't he just conclude that both paths were worn equally so...
  11. BackCountrySnow

    Rate the MQ economics degree.

    I went to macquarie library today and looked at some economics textbooks. The introductory micro and macro textbooks were quite straight forward. But when I flicked throught the intermediate textbooks there were so many formulas. Every page had all these complex curves and equations on it...
  12. BackCountrySnow

    Pineapple express

    If it's anything like knocked up or superbad then it'll be good.
  13. BackCountrySnow

    does ANYBODY enjoy their text for english?

    I hate my prescribed texts. I love my related texts. =]
  14. BackCountrySnow

    Trials Thoughts/Results

    Re: Trials Thoughts xD During the holidays I just couldn't get myself to sit down and study. But now I'm studying quite well. Not getting distracted or anything like that. It's strange.
  15. BackCountrySnow

    Do we need a related text for the 'Close Study of Text' Module?

    And one doesn't have to be from the stimulus booklet.
  16. BackCountrySnow

    going on holidays in sept/oct

    start putting a lot of effort in now up until you leave. You should be fine. Wassup, read over his post again, you tend to just quickly scan over shit and make a fool out of yourself when you reply.
  17. BackCountrySnow

    Do we need a related text for the 'Close Study of Text' Module?

    The syllabus changes. You need related material for Everything but the close study. The reason why you don't need related texts for the close study is because the module wants you to critically analyze the prescribed text.