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  1. spence

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Finished :) edit: welcome back chad and bek
  2. spence

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Can't wait for 3:30 tomorrow
  3. spence

    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    Re: Subject Reviews (PDF updated 17/01/09) GRMN1111 Introductory German 1 Ease: 6/10 Requires a lot of work, especially seeing as this semester was the first time it covered the whole textbook in one semester (used to cover it in one year). Wasn't structured too well: we spent about 1-1.5...
  4. spence

    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    Re: Subject Reviews (PDF updated 17/01/09) ANHS1600 Foundations for Ancient Greece Ease: 8/10 Not too difficult, but there is a lot of content. Assessment is pretty basic: 40% essay, 20% participation and 40% final. The exam was alright, would have been pretty easy but I really didn't put...
  5. spence

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Need to start ECOP study
  6. spence

    nfl champ?

    Bears will be good, and Patriots will be hard to beat with Brady back
  7. spence

    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    Re: Subject Reviews (PDF updated 17/01/09) PSYC1001 Psychology 1001 Ease: 8/10 Easy enough to do well in. 10% is basically given to you: 5% for weekly quizzes which can be taken unlimited times for a week, and 5% for doing 4 hours of research participation. 1000 word essay worth 25% - I was...
  8. spence

    Ghost Tour!!!????

    I went to the quarantine station one when I was young and it scared the hell out of me
  9. spence

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    German was a lot better than expected, and really short, only took about an hour. Only ECOP to go now, and I just worked out I've already passed that
  10. spence

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Just had ancient exam. Short answers were shit, one of my essays was alright, but my other essay was good :) German in an hour and a half :(
  11. spence

    I need help for next years subjects :)

    There is basically no maths in HSC economics
  12. spence

    Blood donation

    Why does he care? It's not hurting anybody
  13. spence

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Can't wait for tomorrow's exams to be over
  14. spence

    LG KS360 = Death trap?

    My viewty always manages to unlock itself and open my phonebook. It doesn't make phantom calls though
  15. spence

    The McDonald's Thread

    I don't think it's likely they'll hire a 22 year old unless they're desperate for staff tbh
  16. spence

    semester 2 timetables

    You can either keep trying to change it using the system, or go into uni in (I think) the last week of holidays, and they can change it for you
  17. spence

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Psych went pretty well. Reckon I might just scrape a D. So fucked for saturday exams though
  18. spence

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    one more topic to study for psych tomorrow
  19. spence

    semester 2 timetables

    Why don't you just go to the 1pm psych lecture on thursday? Then you won't have a gap