nesa's mg is up at now
apex solutions:
Here is their youtube version:
apex standard 2 solutions:
Your link has now gone dead.
You may now find an updated version at
There are also updated versions of the Standard 1 and 2 mgs at...
I changed the Chat GPT in post #444 from last night's version for Q34 and it looks better now. But still wait for eddie's version. That might be a little more succinct. ChatGPT can be unreliable and isn't restricted by any syllabus.
check this:
in there are eddie's solutions to q1-32
33,34 coming later.
Any plans to do Advanced again? Only old syllabus is represented here.
For extension 2 students, the trouble with only practicing papers for extension 1 and 2 is a whole lot of the syllabus is not represented.
So even extension 2 students should practice at least a few past advanced papers -...
anyway back to 1-32. eddie latexed it which looks much nicer than his scribbles and also makes a much smaller filesize!
also this will probably be updated later with 33 and 34 added.
I recently saw The Beguiled and now that Erin Patterson has been charged with murder I have been wondering if she saw that too. One of the final scenes shows Clint Eastwood poisoned and dying from mushrooms at a dinner table.