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  1. justem

    I'm Joining the HSC Journal Bandwagon

    Hey good work! You're very inspirational with your progress :)
  2. justem

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Agree with you 200%! And hey I just realised I'm meeting you tomorrow! You coming early? Im coming around 10 :D
  3. justem

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Really? That really sucks
  4. justem

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    I know, I swear to god at my school it's like 85% based on popularity which it shouldn't be. To be honest I was kind of surprised to be voted prefect anyway.
  5. justem

    Procrastination subjects

    I would gladly ! Honestly just find the one aspect ( there has to be something) that you like about the work you're doing and used that to push yourself forward :) it's not as bad as it seems
  6. justem

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Hi five man, same here with school captain!
  7. justem

    Official BOS Mathematics Seminar: "How to solve problems."

    So excited Carrot! Thank you so much for organising this :))
  8. justem

    Procrastination subjects

    Yay special :)
  9. justem

    Procrastination subjects

    Yep! Told you English is my thing
  10. justem

    Procrastination subjects

    Oh. I actually do English to avoid math and sciences, Haha wow I'm such an outsider. I love English.
  11. justem

    Facebook Study Group?

    Is it only year 12? :)
  12. justem

    HSC Journal #13097

    You go Rumble roar! So proud of you, you're such an inspiration :)
  13. justem

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Public speaking, debating , magazine, netball team,G & T, Reachout Local Leaders and this year I'm also Peer Support Leader and grade Prefect. Hoping to continue with most of these though might drop some
  14. justem

    2014 Reading Goals?

    I have a whole bunch of books I'd love to read but I already enjoy reading so that's not a big deal :) currently reading His Dark Materials, such a good fantasy series
  15. justem

    2014 Reading Goals?

    Divergent series. Do not do that to yourself. You will cry. You will pain. I am warning you.
  16. justem

    What does your daily skin care routine consist of?

    Yeah it is haha :) I don't use makeup either, it's basically just face wash and moisturizer
  17. justem

    What does your daily skin care routine consist of?

    Literally died, you're too humorous to be safe
  18. justem

    What does your daily skin care routine consist of?

    Australian pure beauty sensitive face wash, Swisse natural face moisturizer twice a day and that's it
  19. justem

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Aw that's so cute
  20. justem

    How to excel in senior year studies (yr 11/12)-99+ ATAR graduate

    This thread is heaven sent, best thing I've read on BOS