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  1. justem

    Official BOS Mathematics Seminar: "How to solve problems."

    Is it ok if I bring a previous Taming of the Shrew essay? The teacher marked it but I don't really know I was supposed to improve and I'd like feedback :)
  2. justem

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    I don't mind girls wearing makeup, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Personally, I don't like it though so I don't wear it
  3. justem

    Writing notes/ summaries??

    On gumtree you poop
  4. justem

    Writing notes/ summaries??

    Business studies in action preliminary course, $15?
  5. justem

    Writing notes/ summaries??

    Dot point prelim business for $20?
  6. justem

    Writing notes/ summaries??

    True true, I'll keep looking
  7. justem

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Mr ireallywishihadsomesirtoflifebutireallyjustliveinafictionalworld
  8. justem

    Writing notes/ summaries??

    There is someone on gumtree sellin prelim excel business for $20
  9. justem

    Writing notes/ summaries??

    Sure! I'll PM you, do you still need IPT??
  10. justem

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Little miss busy By the hell, what does little miss birthday even dO?
  11. justem

    Writing notes/ summaries??

    Bought the ext 1 because it has 2 unit as well, the sale was rubbish it was just 20% of selected books
  12. justem

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    What even is happening
  13. justem

    Writing notes/ summaries??

    Sure ! Plus I bought the book :)
  14. justem

    Writing notes/ summaries??

    Hey did you check out babsw thread on the books she's selling ? She's got IPT prelim
  15. justem

    Writing notes/ summaries??

    Thanks! Do you think it would be the same for chemistry as well ?
  16. justem

    Writing notes/ summaries??

    [ QUOTE=iJimmy;6518091]anything at dymocks is getting really cheap atm, its going out of business, good time to stock up, I am desperate for an IPT book but the one's at dymocks were small summary and revision books. Would you mind if the IPT book was second hand? Because I could help you...
  17. justem

    Writing notes/ summaries??

    No for $10 that's definitely brilliant! I'll be sure to tell you if I manage to find it today, definitely going to buy it
  18. justem

    Writing notes/ summaries??

    Just a question did you get it for $10 because it was on sale?
  19. justem

    Writing notes/ summaries??

    Thank you!!!! I'm going to the mall today so I'll check my dymocks, this seems really helpful. Thank y so much iJimmy :D
  20. justem

    Writing notes/ summaries??

    Oh that's awesome! Did you buy it off BOS or like in an actual bookstore?