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  1. PrettyVacant

    FOCUS on year 11 by edassist on the 10 or the 11 of March

    Re: Anyone going to Edassist Year 11 in Focus? :\\ What is Edassist?
  2. PrettyVacant

    help i only need 70UAI

    Hell yeah. Everyone should aim for 100 :D
  3. PrettyVacant

    Spending hours and hours on this website VS actually studying.

    =) Imagine being a vegan for lent. YOU GET TO EAT NOTHING!
  4. PrettyVacant

    Note Writing --> Any Good???

    =( And when we get there, you lock the door of the lair and you say, "HAHA! THESE NOTES DON'T EVEN GO BY THE SYLLABUS!!"
  5. PrettyVacant

    help i only need 70UAI

    Aim higher than that. It means if you fall short of your higher aim, you might still achieve your goal of 70 UAI. Go beyond what is necessary just for security.
  6. PrettyVacant

    Note Writing --> Any Good???

    Hey don't be selfish, be like the rainbowfish! Everyone wants a bit of LottoX! =) And on this NOTE, share yours around and trade notes with your friends. Seriously, science notes are the new pokemon cards.
  7. PrettyVacant

    Note Writing --> Any Good???

    =) Nerd semen is actually brain juice, guys.
  8. PrettyVacant

    Note Writing --> Any Good???

    I am a secksual learner.
  9. PrettyVacant


    Well, Will was gay. And gay men always have lots of female best friends.
  10. PrettyVacant


    There was that Will and Grace episode where they showed this flashback to when Will and Grace were dating and Will tells Grace he's gay and breaks up with her and Grace gets really really really offended because she thinks she "turned him gay".
  11. PrettyVacant

    Note Writing --> Any Good???

    Depends on what kind of "learner" you are. Some are kinestethic (sp?) learners, so they learn through actions. Some are auditory learners, so they learn best from what they hear..etc etc according to my maths teacher. =)
  12. PrettyVacant

    How was your school day?

    :D I should totally do Engineering then! Not. :(
  13. PrettyVacant


    As in, a girl with a boyfriend cheats on him by having a sexual experience with another female? :\ Well, if a guy has sex with another guy while a girl is dating one of them, I suppose it would be quite confusing and I wouldn't be as offended, I guess (compared to cheating on you with another...
  14. PrettyVacant

    Note Writing --> Any Good???

    :\ Actually, that's rather obvious.
  15. PrettyVacant

    Note Writing --> Any Good???

    Yeah, but the fact that you make notes means you absorb at least -some- information. I mean, this doesn't mean you can justify not going over your notes, but just making your own notes is more effective than getting study guides.
  16. PrettyVacant

    How was your school day?

    Swimming Carnival - total fucking bludge. Yes, I'm one of those people who just sits there, complains, and does not participate. Yeah I'm sad. But at least I was dry and enjoyed reading about Quantum theory. <3
  17. PrettyVacant

    What have you eaten today?

    Subway 6 inch + Mars Bar.
  18. PrettyVacant

    Study time!

    The textbook is rather heavy. :*(