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  1. Rafy

    MGMT - Congratulations

    I liked Flash Delirium.
  2. Rafy

    MGMT - Congratulations

    Congratulations has leaked. It can also now be streamed from their website. WHOISMGMT?
  3. Rafy

    South Australian State Election

    Troubled Attorney-General Michael Atkinson to quit front bench |
  4. Rafy

    South Australian State Election

    Down to postals. Rann didn't claim victory and Redmond didn't concede.
  5. Rafy

    Tasmanian State Election

    Tasmania Liberals expect to form government |
  6. Rafy

    South Australian State Election

    Can't call it yet, but ALP is in a position to just scrape back. Big swing, but unfortunately for the libs it was in the wrong place. So far the swing is 1.7% in Marginal ALP seats, 7.7% in safe ALP, 11.3% in very safe ALP seats
  7. Rafy

    South Australian State Election

    Election day today. Liberals on the verge of victory, a possibility unthinkable just months ago. Labor bracing for state poll hit
  8. Rafy

    Official Anticipated Album Releases

    Canada's most revered indie troop, STARS, return with their fifth full-length album, The Five Ghosts, available June 22.
  9. Rafy

    your current favourite song

    And the boys - Angus & Julia Stone
  10. Rafy

    Belinda Neal loses preselection

    Belinda Neal has lost preselection for the seat of Robertson. 98-67
  11. Rafy

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    Many universities maintain a link between Arts and Science. Science is considered one of the liberal arts. Also, the two branches of science are the natural sciences and the social sciences. I can see the rationale for it. Still seems unusual though.
  12. Rafy

    2010 State Election

    The NSW election is on 26 March 2011. There are 3 state elections in 2010. (SA and TAS on March 20, and VIC on 27 November). Some clarity on what this thread refers to would be helpful. Unsurprisingly the government ignored the issue. The Coalition have said they would look at it...
  13. Rafy

    Women's Room

  14. Rafy

    r libraries open 24/7? + usefulness of gym

    From a few years back:
  15. Rafy

    Semester 1 Timetables (2010) Details of staff assisted timetable changes here:
  16. Rafy

    BOS USYD Roll Call 2010

    Bachelor of Economics (Honours) V
  17. Rafy

    iiNet wins court case taken against it by media industry

    Full Court of the Federal Court.
  18. Rafy

    iiNet wins court case taken against it by media industry

    Also, Conroy has in the past said he would consider legislating a mandatory 'three strikes' system depending on the outcome of this case. This would force ISPs to warn, suspend, then disconnect users after receiving an infringement notice from copyright holders. ISPs would become the enforcers...
  19. Rafy

    iiNet wins court case taken against it by media industry

    Absolutely the correct decision. It's not over though, AFACT will appeal this all the way to the high court. Roadshow Films Pty Ltd v iiNet Limited (includes summary) (No. 3) [2010] FCA 24 (4 February 2010)