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  1. Sarah168

    Is UNSW best for the B Commerce course?

    it depends on the degree but i assume you're talking about b comm since you're posting in this thread. from what I hear, including my own hours, its about 12-14 hours a week if you attend all classes. approx 2 lectures and a tute for each subject (4)
  2. Sarah168

    Finding friends at uni

    people in socs and clubs usually don't get the opportunity to become close friends mainly because everyone is doing a different degree in different areas you basically will find your friends in tutorials andmore often than not, through friends of friends. When you get to uni, somehow, the...
  3. Sarah168

    places to buy mobiles outright

    omg where have YOU been????
  4. Sarah168

    Economics at UNSW or USYD?

    "hafta"??? Errr if you wanna be an economist, you're gonna be doing intro macro/micro, inter macro/micro and adv macro/micro along with a whole bunch of electives and probably honours if you're looking to be an economist...
  5. Sarah168

    James Ruse are cheaters and the BOS do not care.

    there is a difference between accelerating students and students who are not supposed ot be taught HSC material before the actual HSC year beginsand the Prelim ends if James Ruse does this then they aren't the only one from what I've heard.
  6. Sarah168

    general question

    depends on how much credit you can take for the units in 1st year. Usually all of them are counted just do the comm prereqs
  7. Sarah168

    Pride and Prejudice

    hmm i guess but they kinda over did it
  8. Sarah168

    Need help on Balance of Payments

    what do you need help in?
  9. Sarah168

    Australian Idol 2005

    i have always noticed it about ann but i really think it's just her nature. she was always shy and retiring from the beginning. Usually bashful and hunched over like that it's just her personality i think
  10. Sarah168

    Australian Idol 2005

    completely agree with hotdog on everything though throw in some hatred of daniel spillane cos his performances are just URGH
  11. Sarah168

    what courses are ppl doing at uni?

    no commerce at UNSW? when you get your UAI, just shove com/LLB and unsw commerce in if it's reasonably realistic. if u dont make it, doesnt matter cos you'll still get one of the lower choices
  12. Sarah168

    Australian Idol 2005

    my ranking: dan england closely followed by emily ( I know emily is reallly good but dan has been my favourite from the beginning), then this space was supposed to be occupied by Anne...then Kate then Lee (:mad: )....stuff Daniel Spillane. He isn't on my list :mad:
  13. Sarah168

    CA achiever program

    Guess you're the only KPMG-er from ANU :p
  14. Sarah168

    Australian Idol 2005

    :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: (*&^#*&^%$(*&^#$! I'll say it again: Daniel Spillane, get out! Darn it. Ann was the cost this time. James, I can understand but this is getting ridiculous! oh and I hate Lee as well but he's better than Dan at...
  15. Sarah168

    places to buy mobiles outright

    by logic, it shoudlnt really lock til you register but i guess i am a little paranoid at some crazy idea that the phone is locked before it is even packaged. but that really seems unlikely cos the phone is in pieces before you assemble it
  16. Sarah168

    Pride and Prejudice

    alright. dont be such a wet blanket for those of us who enjoy the movie in its own right. nit picking and analysing every mistake and nuance aint gonna make it better. i studied P&P to death in ee1, have the book (i read it today on the train haha :D ) and am a devout fan of the miniseries...
  17. Sarah168

    Australian Idol 2005

    emily got another touchdown. her performance really was very good. She was never one of my favourites but i like her alot more since her last few performances. sorry, i still hate daniel spillane. his performance made me cringe.
  18. Sarah168

    Pride and Prejudice

    putting aside how much i love this new movie, i think it's great that they did not obviously try to just do a cheap rip off of the miniseries. its new and refreshing and people need to remember that it's two hrs so just try to enjoy both.
  19. Sarah168

    Australian Idol 2005

    daniel spillane is performing *shudders!* urgh
  20. Sarah168

    University expense - tell me if i've got this straight

    depends on which uni i started at usyd this yr and had to fork out 590 for student union fees plus approx 300 (from memory, just a ballpark figure) for textbooks. Other minor costs include transport (this depends on where you live or if you even need to allocate for it) and umm...can't think...