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  1. K

    Acknowledgement of UAC application...

    why ? sif not GL to everyone who wants to do a BA :p
  2. K

    What Pen?

    Kilometrico :)
  3. K

    2004 HSC Statistics

    I was reading through the media guide and pulled out a couple of interseting stats: •There are 66 279 students enrolled as HSC candidates this year, comprising 34 398 female students and 31 881 male students. •Mathematics Extension 2 course entries have increased to 3585 students in 2004 (up...
  4. K

    Poll: Would you drop english if you could?

    before i would, but now i'm not too sure. my improvements in english has given alot of confidence, and i guess i was lacking confidence then when i said i hated it. though i wouldnt suprised if english wasnt compulsory, 80% of the english teachers would be on the dole :)
  5. K

    Maximum class sizes

    This was the same case for my school. They only took two classes of 24 for ME2 and that was it. I guess they want to keep it to an 'elite' group that will all do well, rather than 50/50. Also, a class of 24 is just right for a teacher to teach. Sometimes it gets a bit hectic in classes of 24...
  6. K

    Acknowledgement of UAC application...

    yeah i should, i have like 5 codes i applied for. lets hope the evidence is substantial though :) good luck to you sashmish :D
  7. K

    Do you start from question 1 or question 3??

    i go in order, 1 2 then 3 because in some past HSC questions, the last question is related to knowing themes in one of the stimulua texts. this was also the case for some creative writing pieces as well
  8. K

    Acknowledgement of UAC application...

    i got my EAS acknowledgement letter today
  9. K

    Commonwealth Scholarships
  10. K

    Distinction Courses

    cosmology this year had the most people ever dropping it. The workload in cosmology is enourmous and i was glad i got rejected from doing it. I watch my friends do it and stress over it. Philosophy, however is less stressing. People find it alot more easier and more fun, however everyone wants...
  11. K


    fruit salad? as if you cant wait for another 3 hours max before you go outside and eat anyway. rather stupid i say. opening the container, taking the fork out, shuffling your papers to accomodate for it, and what happens if you drip stuff all over it? how inconvenient is that?
  12. K

    Neatness Vs Math

    Mathaids? (damn 10 character minimum)
  13. K

    Release of HSC results

    the exam mark, school assesment mark and the overall would be given
  14. K

    Dent Offers.

    bahaha nothing beats the dildo one :D
  15. K

    Dent Offers.

    its fake wilson :)
  16. K

    essay memorising tips.. how do u do it?

    like many people have suggested, memorsie key points :) what i do is write them with coloured textas on coloured paper so that one idea has one color. reading your notes out aloud helps as well
  17. K

    Gwen Harwood Poems

    they havent asked for three poems yet. they usually ask for two or more
  18. K

    Is it fair that the future of an austrailan is born before they are?

    in addition, you should consider yourself lucky in australia. in some countries, there are children who pick at rubbish dumps for a living and eat rats, let alone getting an education. think about it, if some fag is now in charge of the country, i'm sure anyone can work for it to be a better one
  19. K

    Is it fair that the future of an austrailan is born before they are?

    welcome to the real world my dear, where nothing is fair :)
  20. K

    offer acceptance??

    USYD is the only uni (i think) that requires for you to be in person at the uni to enrol into subjects. I beleive every other does their enrolments online.