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  1. K

    What would you like to see on BOS 2005?

    More BOS functions to raise money for the site (pref under 18 as well :p). We should try to encourage more people to advertise on the main site as well and have a tutoring directory for different areas :) Also, a seperate section altogether for prelim notes
  2. K

    Storing Sulphuric Acid

    Can someone explain to me why concentrated sulfuric acid is stored in metal drums and dilute sulfuric acid is stored in glass/plastic containers?
  3. K

    VERY IMPORTANT!!! New Extra-Curricular Thread!

    Justin, are you now known as the forums "lady's man" ?
  4. K

    Gwen Harwood

    ^cro_angel just posted: Sigmund Freud said that "Human behaviour is ultimately motivated by sexuality" so thus you can apply a psychoanalytical reading to it. You might want to look up Jung and his archetypes. I beleive that the best archetype for this poem would be the anima/animus one
  5. K

    VERY IMPORTANT!!! New Extra-Curricular Thread!

    wtf raiks making up felicity ? Jem, it was your birthday? HAPPPY belated18th BIRTHDAY :) Mack: glad you've changed it :) indeed it was rather sickening
  6. K

    Bos T-shirts!!!

    Omg this thread is so ancient that Huy was one of the last few to post in this zombie thread
  7. K


    Bahahhahahaha AsyLum used to go to that 'special school' :p
  8. K

    Transgenic species/GM

    Thanks neo_o. i called the up the advice line to make sure and they said what you did :)
  9. K

    VERY IMPORTANT!!! New Extra-Curricular Thread!

    were you two boys playing nicely ? :p btw mack, ur avatar is scary :S
  10. K

    Transgenic species/GM

    Can a transgenic species also be classed as genetically modified ?
  11. K

    VERY IMPORTANT!!! New Extra-Curricular Thread!

    withoutaface i hear ? :p wow, now thats an image... two boys caught in the pool together :p
  12. K

    Why is it not anonymous?

    they ask for your student number, name and DOB
  13. K

    how do you feel....

    i'm so drained and sick of sitting in the same spot everyday, knowing i have to re read my stuff again for the millionth time
  14. K

    How do you....

    it depends on how you work. i work best by preparing notes that doesnt answer any particular question but is divided up into themes. when you're analysing a text, of course you should mention it :p just try dont get into a bad habit of retelling the text, but analyse it :)
  15. K

    Where will you be going to uni?

    and university of canberra :(
  16. K

    VERY IMPORTANT!!! New Extra-Curricular Thread!

    omg i havent been here for like a day or two and the thread grows into one girant sex scandal and a mass orgy =\
  17. K

    Poll on main page.

    rofl is it annoying you that much ?
  18. K

    Where will you be going to uni?

    why is newcaslte done twice?
  19. K


    Access scheme? It works by you submitting an application form providing evidence for you 'disadvantages' and getting someone to verify them in the end. Submission has closed. Maximum marks it "adds" is for most unis, 5, but at UTS, social science courses can add up to 10 You wouldve...
  20. K

    HSC results via sms

    id prob smash it :)