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  1. BackCountrySnow

    Help me choose a UNI

    Thanks. Good luck to you too :). Trajan, why don't you transfer? hit up the sandstone, UTS or MQ..
  2. BackCountrySnow

    Help me choose a UNI

    not really, 75, 83 (i think) and 75 again.... realy low cutoffs, considering at unsw and USyd it's 91...
  3. BackCountrySnow

    Honey + foreplay?

    it would be good at the start... But how long until the sweetness becomes unbearable?
  4. BackCountrySnow

    -Ramblings- Anyone else

    What if your middle name is Wilbur?
  5. BackCountrySnow

    Help me choose a UNI

    I'm thinking: B econ/arts(int rel.) B econ/science B econ/comm(marketing)
  6. BackCountrySnow

    -Ramblings- Anyone else

    im not nice at all.
  7. BackCountrySnow

    Help me choose a UNI

    arent you an 08er?
  8. BackCountrySnow

    Help me choose a UNI

    I'm in the same position as you. I love my friends, we've been a group since year 7. But I want a change, and I want to meet new people and get out of Sydney and everything I'm used to. That's why I'm considering going to ANU.
  9. BackCountrySnow

    What Level of English do you do?

    I'm not having a go at you. This has nothing to do with mistakes at all. ut just for the recod, no i didn't make a mistake, i just felt that post was a bit harsh so I edited it. I have lived all my life in Australia. English is the only language I can speak. So I know how it's done. It is not...
  10. BackCountrySnow

    What Level of English do you do?

    lol, stop being so bull-headed. Just read my last post it will improve your english...
  11. BackCountrySnow

    Help me choose a UNI

    Does ACU have accomadation. If you do that combined degree you will be garanteed a place in an ANU college.
  12. BackCountrySnow

    Help me choose a UNI

    um.....i dont know....
  13. BackCountrySnow


    but I'm gay...
  14. BackCountrySnow

    Help me choose a UNI

    Go to ANU. It's in canberra.. ps. Canberra isn't in NSW...
  15. BackCountrySnow


    Lolkat makes me lol.
  16. BackCountrySnow

    What Level of English do you do?

    Namu, you are new to Australia. Your english is far from perfect. I'm not attacking you because of this, I'm just correcting you so you can improve your english.
  17. BackCountrySnow

    What Level of English do you do?

    Lol, gosh Namu. That's completely different... You don't say: you are physics student or you are maths student so why would you say: you are english student. You say it like this: you are a physics student. You are a maths student. YOU ARE AN ENGLISH STUDENT!
  18. BackCountrySnow


    you've changed...
  19. BackCountrySnow

    What Level of English do you do?

    noo... ^ that does not work.
  20. BackCountrySnow

    What Level of English do you do?

    oh I edited just when you replied.. and yes. you do put an 'an' before 'english' LOL!! 'An' is used before a word that starts with a vowel...