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  1. gloworm14


    they've asked to give cause/symptom/prevention/control/elimination etc on ONE infectious disease [i would've used malaria] in a past paper but i dont think they've actually had a question that specifically refers to malaria.
  2. gloworm14


    my previous post on what type of questions kinda repeated throughout the past papers
  3. gloworm14


    i think you're right because i remember random segregation is a separation in the latter stage of meiosis, which is probably the last separation when it goes from 2 cells to 4 haploid gametes. crossing over is in the early stage.
  4. gloworm14


    that was pretty good. haha the gametes look like oranges.:uhhuh:
  5. gloworm14


    yeh ill make sure to mention MHC molecule/markers in the exam if we get a question on it ;) hehe wth is dialysate solution?? renal dialysis is the process of artificially filtering wastes and products through a semi-permeable membrane. in other words it functions like a kidney,when the real...
  6. gloworm14


    thanks heaps =)
  7. gloworm14


    is this enough info? interaction between B and T lymphocytes Helper T cells secrete interleukin that stimulates the differentiation of B and T cells into their different types. i.e. Plasma B making antibodies mechanisms that allow interaction between B and T lymphocytes cytokines are...
  8. gloworm14


    what's the difference between humoral immunity and cell mediated immunity in the context of b and t cells?
  9. gloworm14


    tracheids are a part of the xylem. thats all i know. and phloem has the companion cells. omg ALGALELE has seen me more than once, what a stalker lol
  10. gloworm14


    ok ill just remember they: bind neutralise tag and pretty much break down and destroy antigens ^ much easier to remember!
  11. gloworm14


    do we need to know this for antibodies? ( from resource notes on site) § Antibodies inactivate/destroy antigens in 4 ways: Ø Neutralisation: They can stick to the binding sites of viruses, or disable bacterial toxins by coating them. These are then engulfed by phagocytes. Ø...
  12. gloworm14


    err.. tweezers? haha i had a mental blank in the trial on the name of the tools we had to use to dissect the sheeps brain. instead of scalpel i put metal tools LOL
  13. gloworm14


    haha umm no not in the suburb itself. PM back, u probably know my bf. whenever i think of the immune response i have a mental picture of little cell things in armies divided into classes. i guess it could be a way to actually get the whole idea, but putting little faces of cells to their name...
  14. gloworm14


    oh, if they give us a question where we have to write the aim, method, conclusion etc make sure you write 'to .... blah blah blah' in the aim because a person in my class lost a mark for not writing 'to' :rolleyes:
  15. gloworm14


    ok well lets hope we dont get that question and coincidently your teacher is marking that question!!! but im pretty sure that answer would be right for that question. even if you did do that, shouldnt you of gotten at LEAST some marks?
  16. gloworm14


    twinnns =) yeh i woke up around 8:20, was supposed to wake up at 8 lol i was hoping i could have today to do just quick revision all day but i guess thats not happening until later tonight. thanks for the notes invite =) ill pm u later when i get to that topic
  17. gloworm14


    waaaaaaat lol well it models the theory of natural selection. how about the jellybean one
  18. gloworm14


    those notes are really good. im currently reading them and looking at my own notes, and ticking each dot point off. then im gonna do the success one hsc questions done maintaining a balance, blueprint of life, now doing search for a better health and havent touched communication LOL ahmad...
  19. gloworm14


    the natural selection one is pretty easy isnt it? the green and red toothpicks on green grass then neutral concrete?
  20. gloworm14


    umm make sure the temp is at a constant warm temp in the incubator. (btw that incubator really smells fishy =[ accuracy you can always say REPETITION validity you can say that you can compare with secondary resources or compare with other students any more?