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  1. ccc123

    How was your school day?

    I'm not Jachie but i'm doing frankenstein for ext. And yeah, lots of my friends are doing all three sciences and struggling already..ah i did try to warn them..
  2. ccc123

    Does any1 regret not bludging enough in yr 10??

    Yeah , the sc really paled into insignificance like everyone said it would didn't it? Still, it was good preperation i guess..
  3. ccc123

    How was your school day?

    Its only the second day and i'm so tired! Have heaps of HW for legal, maths hw, bio hw and 2 aassignments for mod hist. And tomorrow i have to be at school 7:45 for extension!
  4. ccc123

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Yeah, i heard that too. I hope she does do teh last two, because although she's not at all like i envisioned Hermione to be when i read the books, i can't imagine anyone else as Hermione now. and in regards to the question regarding relationships...
  5. ccc123

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows lol....great post here. Agree with everything you said, particularly the bit about the 'wil harry survive?' theory. HP is a archtypal tale of the hero rising in the face of adversity, defying all odds...etc etc. I also agree with yoyr...
  6. ccc123

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows I'm in full agreement with you on the 'Will Harry die?' theory. Personally i agree that Harry's demise would portray enirely the wrong message moralistically. If Harry dies then it basically implies that evil can/will prevail over good, and thats never...
  7. ccc123

    Second thoughts on my 07 Subbies

    Yeah we had heaps of line clashes as well. Physics and chem on the same line? Um he-llo?
  8. ccc123

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows You definately have some interesting points, i'm not enirely sure about Dumbledore having horcruxes, but i vauguely reacall reading in the 1st book that Dumbledore defeated some evil perhaps he could have created a horcrux then. Yeah...
  9. ccc123

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows lol....i'm an obsessed HP fanatic as well. In regards to your question regarding the debate over Dumbledore, most people seem to think his dead. But i agree with 'Kony'- taht is dumbledore has his own horcrux(es) and is therefore not dead. ..oh...
  10. ccc123

    Yr 11 subjects

    Of course not, but if your good at it, you may as well do it, and thats regardless of scaling.
  11. ccc123

    Yr 11 subjects

    I don't think it makes any difference whether a unit is an extension or not. I think your 10 best units count regardless, so if your ext eng unit comes in your top ten, it will be counted. I think thats how it works anyway. Anyone feel free to correct me if i'm wrong.
  12. ccc123

    Yr 11 subjects

    Yeah my history teacher said ext. history involves as much work as a university subject; but if your good at history, then you should do it because it scales quite well (or so i heard)
  13. ccc123

    A Stich in time saves nine????

    From personal experience, study groups rarely work....but they're great if you just want an excuse to socialise :)
  14. ccc123

    A Stich in time saves nine????

    80.90 a 'low' UAI that only the mentally retarded receive? Pfffft. I agree with Jachie. One of my friends has a learning disabilty and is thus, 'retarded' and i also take offence to that statemnet which is indeed, ignorant.
  15. ccc123

    1 week to go, no work done

    I haven't done anything either. Have been constantly trying to grasp some motivation to go through some of the prelim books, but have failed miserably to do anything mildly productive all holidays. Meanwhile, my friends have gone through the whole of the prelim syllabis for "only" chem, physics...
  16. ccc123

    Second thoughts on my 07 Subbies

    I'm doing legal.... i hope it won't be boring..its sounds interesting enough....i was talking to a friend in yr 12 and she says she hated legal and found it really convoulted and obscure. Ah well.... i'm not really having second thoughts. Iv'e chosen practucally all humanitarian- based subjects...
  17. ccc123

    Yr 11 subjects

    Well im only doing one ext- english! :)
  18. ccc123

    Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula question

    I thought it smelt really nice to begin with, but now i admit that i find it slightly nauseating.
  19. ccc123

    Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula question

    Hmm yeah, definately don't use it on your face, it will clog your pores because the texture is much too dense and oily.
  20. ccc123

    Your favourite chocolate

    Godiva. Lindt is ok too, but Godiva's better. :)