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  1. soha

    Does God Exist?

    yeah its not only about god well i really dont know u and what u were taught when u were younger or what religon u are or were but i think..that if no one told me anything about religon..or if there was no religon in my life i would be a total different person as apposed to now... so...
  2. soha

    Does God Exist?

    u dont know that 4 sure if religon was never introduced to you no concept of god nothing liek that since u were a child im sure ur life would be a whole lot different
  3. soha

    working at a petrol station?

    i guess ask whoever works to get a job there if they need people its who you know.. you would have to be over 18 and be able to work flexible hours and deal with all that shit i was thinking about working there then i remembered i had to do alot more then just sit at the...
  4. soha

    Does God Exist?

    religon has made my life better because it has helped me understand the purpose of life the meaning of life what im here for..where im to get there what to do..what not to do how to live.. a way of life.. if there was no religon to tell us what to do..or to follow..i cant...
  5. soha

    You Can Watch The News!

    what station airs that? or newspaper magazine,etc
  6. soha

    Do you see yourself getting married?

    true..except they dont do the same thing however he is president of the islamic association and shes vice president thats kinda how they met thru working together and funnily enuff the 3 previous ex captains and vice captains all got married too so ppl were teasing them saying they were next...
  7. soha


    i know a few marist boyz some real jerks too but so many hot guys in the one school as far as ive seen
  8. soha

    Do you see yourself getting married?

    yeah i wanna finish uni too my sister managed to get married in 2nd yr uni and her husband was also in second yr uni so they will finish together and that would be cool...
  9. soha

    Do you see yourself getting married?

    yeah..u dont have to have children at all like many couples i know i used to think that after marriage straight away u had to have kids and thats what marriage was all about
  10. soha

    Do you see yourself getting married?

    oh lol..yay..all the more reason to celebrate
  11. soha

    You Can Watch The News! the fuck do we really know u got 2 sources..saying different things both biased how will we really know the truth ofkorse an israeli will believe the israeli american will believe the american news and an arab..or muslim will believe aljazeera theres 3 thruths ur truth...
  12. soha

    Does God Exist?

    u know reading a few post on the forums gets me reading and doing further research into other things and u never know someone might read up and get curious and become muslim or christian etc its happened b4..
  13. soha

    Does God Exist?

    im sure many ppl do
  14. soha

    You Can Watch The News!

    i have to disagree with you australian media sux to an extent and i like aljazeera...heaps of ppl say its biased towards arabs and muslim but ive been watching it enuff to see that its not always the case they just tell it how it is
  15. soha

    Do you see yourself getting married?

    well im not..its just an example..telling u that it can work and u cant assume that it doenst work or that the marriage will stuff up neways it works differently for everyone for gonna go about it my own way as for as you so desire and good luck..finding a wife..(i dont...
  16. soha

    Does God Exist?

    dont 4get ur chosen cult..
  17. soha

    Do you see yourself getting married? sister met her husband at uni..when she was 19..he was 18 they got engaged 6 months later then married like 4 months after their engagement they the best couple i know(1 yr anniversary on feb 19th) it worked for them thats where it differs for me u want to have fun and learn from...
  18. soha

    Do you see yourself getting married?

    err my religon doesnt oppose divorce you can divorce if u so desire.. yeah ur right ina sense that divorcing a guy is harder then just breaking up with a guy but its not like i meet a guy..marry him..and thats that i would obviously know him on a more personal level then just that its not...
  19. soha

    Bomb blast in Beirut

    yeah saudi goverment gives me the shits
  20. soha

    Level of Terrorist Threat

    sorry..geez..TANK.. i dunno why i call it tanker... do u know how many ppl tell me what i should and shouldnt say and how to spell things and what i should refrain from saying and posting oh wellz such is life