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  1. Rafy

    Uploading Resources

    They have to be approved by a moderator first. There is probably a bit of a backlog at the moment. Your contributions will appear in the resources eventually.
  2. Rafy

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    What's to say he won't use it? The DD trigger can be used at any time until next August. He's hardly going to call an election with a campaign period over the holidays.
  3. Rafy

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bill 2009 [No. 2] Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2009 [No. 2] Australian Climate Change Regulatory Authority Bill 2009 [No. 2] Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (Charges—Customs) Bill 2009 [No. 2] Carbon Pollution Reduction...
  4. Rafy

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    It's going to be Ayes 34 (Labor/Troeth/Boyce), Noes 42 (Libs/Nats/Greens/Fielding/Xenophon)
  5. Rafy

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    With 2 Coalition senators crossing the floor, the Greens are now essentially responsible for the defeat of the CPRS.
  6. Rafy

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    Senator Boyce will also cross the floor. Both Boyce and Troeth have spoke strongly in favour of nuclear.
  7. Rafy

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    Senator Troeth speaking in favour of the CPRS. Will cross the floor.
  8. Rafy

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    Sitting of the Senate is suspended until 10am tomorrow.
  9. Rafy

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    3rd reading of the CPRS bills was just moved in the Senate.
  10. Rafy

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    Paul Fletcher and Kelly O'Dwyer were likely Turnbull votes. Add in Fran Bailey, and Abbott is already a minority leader.
  11. Rafy

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    Nick Minchin was a sceptic on tobacco | The Australian
  12. Rafy

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    Despite many invitations, i cannot bring myself to join them.
  13. Rafy

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    Fran Bailey was not present at all due to illness. (She would have likely supported Turnbull) There was also one informal ballot in the second round.
  14. Rafy

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    It'll just mean a harsher ETS is passed down the track.
  15. Rafy

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    The Liberal's Lemmings.
  16. Rafy

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    Abbott has confirmed that he will seek to refer the bills to committee and failing that the coalition will vote them down this week. The numbers don't exist to refer it to committee, so a DD trigger will soon exist.
  17. Rafy

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    I need half a dozen opinion polls in the field pronto.
  18. Rafy

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    Turnbull staying in Parliament at least for the rest of this term. He will be staying on the backbench.
  19. Rafy

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    Well at least he's got people skills. At least Hockey has been saved. There'll be somebody viable for 2013. "The 50/50 party" ffs.