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  1. Sarah168

    commerce degrees

    what's the point in transferring after 3rd yr stas?
  2. Sarah168

    commerce degrees

    not everyone completing an acct major is an "acct finance, i wanna climb the corporate ladder clone" Even if you were, you coudl still have interest in other things or maybe even want to complete a language study which is very useful.
  3. Sarah168

    commerce degrees

    :eek: THEY HAVE ASTRONOMY!??????????????????????
  4. Sarah168

    commerce degrees

    i don't see why a broader spectrum of knowledge would hinder an accounting graduate...
  5. Sarah168

    commerce degrees

    yes. that's compulsory arts can be substituted for govt and int relations in equivalent form the 3 majors is only possible with b commerce (lib studies) unless you are doing a double degree of comm/arts
  6. Sarah168

    iPods - which do you prefer?

    call me a sucker for apple marketing but that nano looks :cool:
  7. Sarah168

    Students who ask TOO Many questions

    OMG my pet hate... it's so petty but it makes me wanna grind my teeth :mad:
  8. Sarah168

    where do u study ECONOMICS AND FINANCE

    yeh, tabris has got it in one there. The uni doesn't make the difference but b ec is a degree where you really have to stand out in terms of grades and honours to be competitive...
  9. Sarah168

    Charlie and the chocolate factory

    okay, i just watched and suprisingly I LIKED IT!!!!!!! i thought i was gonna be the absolute purist and say "noooooooo gene wilder!!!" but I thought it was very cool. And yeah, i noticed the androgyny in johnny depp but he was so quirky and funny (gene wasn't really funny) and i like that! i...
  10. Sarah168

    Do Chuck Taylors only look good with jeans/pants?

    im surprised im saying this but they look pretty cool with those knee length tailored pants it sounds like a fashion shocker but on the right girl (girl only!!), it can look very funky
  11. Sarah168

    Which uni is best for B Commerce Degree?

    haha impressed? thought so :p
  12. Sarah168

    Which uni is best for B Commerce Degree?

    :eek: you changed your name!
  13. Sarah168

    Which uni is best for B Commerce Degree?

    i was being sarcastic lol but yes, i have whinged about walking to merewether before but that's only cos i was coming from freaking wallace theatre or Bosch!!! :p
  14. Sarah168

    Which uni is best for B Commerce Degree?

    damn u deleted your old thread :p
  15. Sarah168

    Which uni is best for B Commerce Degree?

    our commerce faculty is out in the sticks :uhhuh: :uhhuh: :uhhuh:
  16. Sarah168

    Which uni is best for B Commerce Degree?

    AHAHAHAHA now thats funny. misplaced commerce faculty = shit faculty in all seriousness though *straight face* its been said many time that it's pretty much the same. the rest depends on your personal preference of the campus (aesthetics rather than geographical positioning :rolleyes: ) and...
  17. Sarah168

    Exam tips

    for english advanced, check to make sure you have answered EVERY question... yeh yeh yeh sounds obvious but don't fuck up a year's worth of toil by idiotically forgetting to answer a Q yours truly :mad:
  18. Sarah168

    UNSW open day

    depends on which side of usyd you are on though
  19. Sarah168

    Students who ask TOO Many questions

    coming from someone who had to rely on a textbook over the course of the yr (class was useless so i didn't go half the time)'s possible. just try some independent learnign and see the teacher in non class time or whatever
  20. Sarah168

    ECON 1002

    in atta style response...just put a 1 in front of Ca + I and you will get your answer :p