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  1. Sarah168

    Australian University Teaching Rankings

    i spent 30 seconds going through the top ranks again and again looking for UNSW thinking it was a mistake :confused:
  2. Sarah168

    ECON 1002

    xiao likes atta ;)
  3. Sarah168

    why did you chose the degree you are doing?

    b commerce (liberal studies) Cos I wasn't sure of a career yet and wanted to be able to try alot of things...also, abit because i had the uai (which i never expected) so i went for it. also, because i wanted to study things like economics whilst also being able to do history (which i have loved...
  4. Sarah168

    What are your Favourite Brands of Clothes

    I like esprit, giordano and jeans west. Im abit of a preppy dresser :)
  5. Sarah168

    Economics in Uni

    if u have an additional major (eg, acct) you can go into that with the pass degree in eco if u want someting in the eco field, i really dont know...
  6. Sarah168

    Trial Tomorrow...

    just remember the elements surrounding the topic the q is asking you. Braintstorm it quickly and that shoudl have ideas flowing so you can show them what you know!
  7. Sarah168

    Economics in Uni

    you can probably get through it but try to do a quick bridging course or give yourself a crash course in linear algebra and calculus for first yr economics. afterward, mathematical economics will require more in depth knowledge. oh and its not a myth that a superior honours degree is...
  8. Sarah168

    ECON 1002

    about 2:30pm in eastern avenue (stream 3) yeah i was kinda shocked but then again, this stream has had weird issues before *cough* screaming, chanting girls running at the back of the room ring a bell? and that girl who shouted " this a religion lecture?!" before scuttling out of the...
  9. Sarah168

    Is the school of Government and International Relations..

    it's officially part of the eco/bus faculty although the uni admin seem keen to move it to arts. Some degrees allow arts units to be fulfilled by taking govt units.
  10. Sarah168

    ECON 1002

    it said happy foundation day or some crap. He didnt even put it the right way so the words were mirrored LOL btw xiao, whats that article for?
  11. Sarah168

    Best/Easiest assessment you've ever gotten?

    haha i remember that assignment. i did it a few hours before handing it in :D i lost mks for something i don't even understand. I think i put a semi colon instead of a comma or some garbage like that
  12. Sarah168

    Catholic Trials f*ck up

    "How we supposed to know if it's gonna be...easy and fair" *wail* lol i thought that last comment was pretty amusing
  13. Sarah168

    Hi i have a question about UAI (not prediction)

    i had a freind doingly roughly the same subjects as you (she kept ext maths though) but u have the benefit of having economics...(she did multimedia which is a pretty poor scaling subject) i dont know much about scaling but to give you a rough idea, she got 1 band 6 and the rest band 5's and...
  14. Sarah168

    Economics in Uni

    A competitive/superior honours degree (which is not easy :( ) is usually sufficient though a Master's degree never hurt anyone's chances :p
  15. Sarah168

    looking to sell textbooks

    textbookexchange has quite competitive prices though
  16. Sarah168

    looking to sell textbooks

    i heard the SRC ones pays shit. its certainly has a shit selection of books to show for it... textbookexchange is the way to go. or else textsinthecity if you're lazy as they pay 50% i think
  17. Sarah168

    Economics in Uni

    oh but looking at those papers are scary. I remember looking at the micro ones about 3 weeks into intro micro and almost ran out screaming...then again im one of those people who tend to forget that you actually get taught the thing in the exam paper lol one of the usyd micro ones had an exam...
  18. Sarah168

    who on BOS is freaking out about their major works...if they have any????????

    but if u can do it the night before than its a bludgy course :D (cough, hist ext)
  19. Sarah168

    who on BOS is freaking out about their major works...if they have any????????

    *cough* your username emily :p and yes, im posting in non school :eek: :eek:
  20. Sarah168

    Economics in Uni

    by enlightenment, i meant more detail in the post rather than the validity of the source karpov: Uni eco is nowhere near as essay-based as high school. Micro has no essays from my experience but i've seen exam papers with one essay question...even uni eco essays requires lots of graphs and...