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  1. clairegirl

    To all ye past\present psy222 students

    oh btw.. .I'll be on the comps (in the library, most of today studying up on acst101) I'll come check here regularly if you have any questions.
  2. clairegirl

    To all ye past\present psy222 students

    yeh sure urrm i dont know the specific page by heart but im pretty sure we dont have to learn two way ANOVA, we only need to know of it
  3. clairegirl

    To all ye past\present psy222 students

    err what was the specific question? Well to start... you need to know the process... see above post... Sample value->SS>ms error> Fobtained> compare to F crit> draw conclusions and pretty much just apply it to every single thing, i.e trend analysis, contrasts, overall testing...
  4. clairegirl

    To all ye past\present psy222 students

    hey its honestly fine.. just ask away :) I'll get back to you as soon as I can Oh test 2 acst101 im screwed :s lol but oh well...
  5. clairegirl

    To all ye past\present psy222 students

    Im studying for my acst101 test this thursday (tommorow), so i can't really touch on psy222 until after my test ... but i have pre-studied for it a lil bit the last days of the holidays... Do you need to ask any specific questions?
  6. clairegirl

    Whats your favourite place at uni?

    So.. What's your favourite place at uni? When I'm alone- the grassy area adjacent the library.. u know on the way to the X buildings... the walk is soo pretty and nice.. mainly because of the lovely autumny looking trees, plus its just an awsome to have a nap and a great place when you want...
  7. clairegirl

    Macquarie and its construction

    i wish they'de fix the fountain and stuff outside the sam building and the grassy (or lack thereof) area in front of the lincoln building.. and the grassy area on the opposite side of the flag poles! I need more sitting areas! and tables and like stone tables or something... the uni...
  8. clairegirl

    considering ba-media&cult stud

    Asylum will help ya he's doing media from what i can remmeber :)
  9. clairegirl

    To all ye past\present psy222 students

    Know the procedure for overall testing and follow up tests (i.e contrasts) 1. sample value SS treat/error MS error/treat Fobtained F crit Draw conclusions However you need to know what decision rules to use etc
  10. clairegirl


    Yay we'll be a little family again! lol I'll have to consult my degree program (and make changes) i'll see if i can do those subjects... lol oh hey guess what i'll be doing psy235 next sem! lol
  11. clairegirl

    To all ye past\present psy222 students

    No its a hundred times worse and a hundred times more unstructured Yes mate you can bring in past papers :) I think, im a hunred per cent sure And I think for the first optional test all you'll need to know is ONE WAY ANOVA and maybe trend analysis
  12. clairegirl

    whatever happened to: lcf

    ooooh suga bunni! NICE STALKING!!! well done!! IAMBORED is officially a girl! Look what she wrote! Re: best time to buy cheap gowns -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hmm.. i don't know, but remember the formals are towards the end of...
  13. clairegirl


    I know oh so lonely! :( MJ! I'm changing my program for second semester so that I'll be doing more psychology subjects (insted of crappy 2nd year business subjects, just gonna do them in mexico... coz business pssht same crap everywhere)... psychology = good at macq and could never see myself...
  14. clairegirl

    Psy 104 Pplz!

    Haylez what statistics subject? STAT170? Goto e-reserve
  15. clairegirl

    Psy 104 Pplz!

    Hey Hayley Lol my other explanation on abstract/intro sucked ass (MaryJane, Cyan help me out here! lol) I'm just going to type up my abstract for u okay. Frankly I think it's all choppy and it doesn't flow and I'de be shot if I handed it in like this in third year especially if Kymbra the...
  16. clairegirl

    Psy 104 Pplz!

    Hey mate nahh your introduction is well an introduction ... mainly talking about other people's research and different views in breif whereas your abstract would also include your conclusions and sometimes a quick run down on ur methods (if its a report it would have your findings and a...
  17. clairegirl

    Draft exam timetable out!

    Bloody hell woman :s I had that in my first sem of second year... had an exam Mon, tues, wed, thurs, friday ........ i practically lived in my car those five days ... err well good luck!
  18. clairegirl

    So... what have we all been doing these holidays?

    Re: redruM is da man!! :D Hey RedRum, I've already said this to you before but WELL DONE and congratulations! :D Lol@ asylum ... yes take that! Sydney and Unsw'ers lol
  19. clairegirl

    Psy 104 Pplz!

    yeah hey mate i sent it. As you can see it's in its very very very draft form :s
  20. clairegirl

    Psy 104 Pplz!

    hehe im glad it did... i've got my road rage essay as well... but its my draft for some reason i've only got my road rage essay (in its submiitted form) as a hardcopy...