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  1. gloworm14

    3 study problems..

    for number 1- get motivated somehow, maybe get a bag of your favourite lollies by your desk. that always makes me stay seated! Studying, you can separate each subject into topics, then you can focus on one topic at a time, with the syllabus to guide you so you know what to do. Just focus on one...
  2. gloworm14

    do you wear glasses + how much do you study for?

    i usually dont really need to wear glasses while studying coz im short sighted, but i've lately started to wear them all the time coz i cant be bothered putting them off and on again
  3. gloworm14

    Pips For 2008

    my intro is 661 words :/ its supposed to be 500:rolleyes:
  4. gloworm14

    studying for trials

    Re: Trials i need to finish my pip and art body of work in the holidays and that will probably take me most of the holidays, plus i have to prepare for two essays which is in week1 next term my trials is in week 3 ill probably end up getting 1 or 2 hours a day for trial study in the...
  5. gloworm14

    Wearing contacts!

    im short sighted and i need glasses most of the time now, but i dont like wearing them. im thinking of getting contacts at the end of the year. just wanted to know if they are worth it i.e. are they irritating etc
  6. gloworm14

    Plans for the holidays

    id rather them all out of the way so you can focus on trials and hsc exams
  7. gloworm14

    Plans for the holidays

    Going to finish two major works (pip and art bow) Preparation for two assessments in week 1 (both essays) Revision and study for trials in week 3 Not going to be a pleasant last school holidays:uhoh:
  8. gloworm14

    Formal Thread (pics, websites, ideas, thoughts) im loving the dress on page 3 <3
  9. gloworm14

    Trial HSC Examinations

    true, but for me i need to do extra well in the upcoming trials and the rest of the few assessments so i can gain better ranks. After that and the completion of both my major works then it should be all good.
  10. gloworm14

    Trial HSC Examinations

    zomg kat you are right... its gone quick and at the same time i wish it was already finished yet there is still so much pressure building up...
  11. gloworm14

    whats your record...?

    i try not to pull all nighters or late nighters before an exam is due, because id be too sleepy when im actually doing the exam. assignments, i usually finish a day before it is due so yeh =) the latest would be 2:30am for me =)
  12. gloworm14

    Trial HSC Examinations

    I have trials week 3 and 4 in term 3.:(
  13. gloworm14

    Why do girls wear make-up?

    lol your supposed to blend down past your jawline so its not noticeable, either that she didnt do that or her foundation is too dark for her skin tone
  14. gloworm14

    Pips For 2008

    i havent started my central material yet LOL ive only got a intro and lots of research planning to do all my PIP + my major art work in the holidays coming! :eek:
  15. gloworm14


    true... i dont know, was just an idea.
  16. gloworm14

    Formal Thread (pics, websites, ideas, thoughts)

    OKAY! So, as you know the first dress i posted was HOT! [but with a price of $400]. I've decided that its a bit too out of my range so I found this other dress on and its kinda similar and for only $90! I'm thinking of just getting this one! Here's a...
  17. gloworm14

    What does your study area look like? [POST PHOTOS]

    my desk is surprisingly not messy at the moment... but ill change that in the next few weeks.
  18. gloworm14

    What are your cumulative/rankings so far and what is your aim by the end of the year?

    Half Yearly 9/29 Adv Eng ----> top 5 5/9 Adv Maths---->3 5/7 Ext1 Maths----> 3 1/21 Biology----> maintain 2/27 Society and Culture----> 1st 4/15 IPT----> 3 1/23 Art----> maintain So, pretty much aiming for top 5 in everything
  19. gloworm14

    Formal Thread (pics, websites, ideas, thoughts)

    we've really only sold Cadbury chocolates, had a bbq/ spider drinks day both of which went really well i think, but we have done less than we should have by now