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    Half yearly marks and ranks + thoughts

    Well These Are My Overall Marks & Ranks So Far (This Would Appear In My Half Yearly Report) English - 61% (They Won't Tell Us Our Ranks!) General Maths - 79% (They Won't Tell Us Our Ranks!) Business Studies - 79% (4/56) IPT - 87% (1/9) SDD - 71% (3/11) I'll probably do better this term and...
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    What book does your class use?

    I have the jacaranda and excel books. I use them both and other peoples notes to write my own study notes.
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    Hsc Dates ???????????

    This exam is close to english. That's a lot of writing 2 days in a row!
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    How important is yr 11 ?

    I did so shit in year 11 but my marks have improved dramatically this year. Anyway your year 11 work doesn't count towards your year 12 assessment.
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    Distractions To Studying

    Grrrrrr damn you internet! I need to work on my marketing report that I have to write in class next week!
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    Should I Get A New Job?

    my local toys r us is hiring. What is it like there in terms of pay and shifts for a 17 year old?
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    BScIT 2007 Students

    I'm looking to do this course next year. Do you choose majors, sub majors etc. at the beginning of the year or at the end?
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    HSC IPT 2007 Discussion

    Coming first for the overall assessment is looking really good at the moment. I'm heaps ahead of my competitors. Band 6 will be easier to get!
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    Official HSC timetable

    Re: HSC Exam Timetable? 19th Oct - Eng Paper 1 22nd Oct - Eng Paper 2 23rd Oct - Business Studies 26th Oct - General Maths 30th Oct - IPT 1st Nov - SDD My timetable is pretty good except both IPT & SDD are arvo exams. BRING ON NOVEMBER 1ST!!!!
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    1/2 yearli marks?

    a raw hsc exam mark of 64% doesn't mean my aligned mark will be 64%
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    1/2 yearli marks?

    I'm just saying would a raw hsc exam mark of 64% be aligned to a band 4?
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    Schoolies Locations For Under $1000

    Is it too late to book anything? Where can I go for under $1000 including airfares for like 7 nights?
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    1/2 yearli marks?

    is a raw mark of 64% a band 4?
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    Should I Get A New Job?

    I do what i'm told and I don't bludge
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    Should I Get A New Job?

    I didn't really fill out the referee page though. I just put 'Currently Employed' in every text box.
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    Should I Get A New Job?

    Should I apply for pizza hut as well or I should just leave fast food out of the equation?
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    Should I Get A New Job?

    I've applied on the coles myer website for a job. I checkboxed Target, Kmart, Coles & Officeworks. They will probably take ages but still I've applied.
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    Should I Get A New Job?

    As I've mentioned, my local EB is hiring casual sales associates. What does the role of a sales associate usually involve, what is the pay like (I'm turning 18 at the end of this month) and do you reckon I will get at least one 6 hour shift every saturday or sunday?
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    Should I Get A New Job?

    Where are some good places to work with computers, software, gadgets etc.?
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    Should I Get A New Job?

    The EB position is a sales associate position. What does that involve? It says you need retail experience. The only experience I have is delivering newspapers and assembling burgers. Should I just lie that I've had retail experience?