Search results

  1. B

    TAFE better for multimedia?

    I am just wondering if TAFE is better for multimedia type stuff e.g. web design and development, digital video etc. Well I won't be able to afford a private college for this type of stuff but is tafe still good? and I checked on the tafe website and there appears to be a new multimedia course...
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    Assessment Marks/Ranks so far

    I got that mark too for my business report too, I did a draft a few days before i did the assessment and the teacher said it would get me top marks. But I had to cut some bits out of my draft because I couldn't write it in 45 minutes. Dammit must of cut out some important points:burn: Aw well...
  3. B

    Bachelor of Information Technology Any Good?

    I want to be multiskilled, have great coding skills and awesome design skills. In particular website design & development, multimedia etc.
  4. B

    Bachelor of Information Technology Any Good?

    My school is apart of the bonus UAI thingy so that means 3 points off. Yeah it would be good to have that degree plus I would have the option to do the master of digital multimedia when I finish.
  5. B

    sdd papers and SOLutions!!

    excel > all for this subject all you need for the HSC apparently
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    Billy Blue School of Graphic Arts

    Damn i'd love to go there, shame about the 20% loan fee on the FEE-Help method :burn:
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    The McDonald's Thread

    Re: McDonalds Wages I work at maccas and lately i've been getting buggerall shifts. My last shift was on the 28th january and my next one is tomorrow, that is just fucking lousy. I've been there for nearly 4 months and i'm 17 and my pay is $10.06 p/h. If this trend continues, i'm gonna look...
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    Bachelor of Information Technology Any Good?

    just doing some research so I don't have to worry about it later in the year
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    Bachelor of Information Technology Any Good?

    I'm considering putting this down as a preference for next year, just wanna know if this degree is worth pursuing? and what major should I do? Computing or Information systems?
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    Discovery Day 07

    Went today and it was pretty cool. The stuff about hacking and also 3D modelling and animation was interesting.
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    SDD Major Project Ideas

    meh at my school they give us a problem e.g. a sports team wants a program that can display player records and stuff and we gotta develop a solution
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    help!!! B Design OR B Digital media

    that guy has talent, look at his animation short
  13. B

    How was your school day?

    my school sucks at giving out ranks, no rank for business, english or maths. If this continues I won't find out my rank till after my trial HSC :burn: I only know my rank for software and IPT
  14. B

    revise in a month any good?

    I won't be using it just before the HSC lol but just for use over the whole year. Does it contain the key information for HSC success because I've ready a small part of it and it looks alright plus it has heaps of practice questions.
  15. B

    Easiest subject

    IPT Hands Down followed by general maths This is proven by my term 1 results IPT - 88% Gen Maths - 82% Business Studies - 75% SDD - 68% English - 63.5% Need to work on my business report writing skills, my essay skills and my problem solving/algorithms in software
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    Best Study Notes In The Resources Section?

    Which are the best notes in the resources section, I like fatmuscles but are they the best?
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    quick question about the late round

    ahhh sweet, good to hear :) thought my plans were in jeopardy for a moment, thx for that
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    quick question about the late round

    was making the cutoff for digital media 99.80 just as a way of saying they are full and only ppl with that UAI can now join? and will the main round UAI appear when the UAC update the course search engine?
  19. B

    Choice of commerce major

    Is the business information systems major any good? and what kind of jobs does it lead too? at UOW u can use the degree to get into master of digital multimedia
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    help!!! B Design OR B Digital media

    has the cut off gone up to 99.80 for the digital media course? or was that just for the late round?